Sunday, September 20, 2009


beeN reAlly trApped in preppinG for mY huGe orAl exAmz in a week'Z i disAppeared and moZ proB will keeP myseLf in trAnzparent mode for some tiMe....sorrY for my friendZ who droP by my bloG sometimeZ?

thougH not aloT of you (cuZ i'M ultrA selectiVe witH friendZ hahAaa)....but thiZ bloG wAz mAinly updAted more frequentlY afteR i settLed in the stAtez to let you alL knoW whAt'z goinG on for me in the stAtez...hahAaa...juZ don'T worrY if thingZ are mezZed uP cuZ my melAncholy amplifieZ in writteN forM.

anywAyz...thAnkz to huA-mei and weN-mei for tellinG me thAt sodAgreen hAz agAin releAzed anotheR albuM - "summeR feveR"~!! thiZ tiMe...qingfenG (mAin vocAlz) dyed hiZ hAir greeN!!

no tiMe to trAnzlate....but one dAy i wilL:

"feveR~!!" bY sodAgreen

"summer'Z summeR" bY sodAgreen

sodAgreen songZ are trulY meAningful if you reAd the lyricZ cArefully.........esP. "summer'Z summeR"....which iz abouT everyoNe strivinG simplY for theiR fAmily loVe...and alsO life tAstes like liMe~!!! "feveR" iz abouT knowinG yourseLf no mAtter how thingZ chAnge arouNd you...

tiMe alwAyz tickZ and life goeZ on...


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