Sunday, September 20, 2009

appLe rockZ~!!!

moneY cAn buY me hAppinezz......


looK @ my gorgeouZ hAppinezz:

mAcbook prO - 13 incH~!!!!

ipod toucH ifrogZ flAshy greeN cAze~!!! (miNe hAz a mirroR screeN protectoR too!!!)

all thAnkz to hAng-ni-mah who suggesTed me to joiN the appLe fAmily........

welL, actuAlly i decided thAt my nexT lAptop wouLd be a mAc....afteR my trAvelmate 6292....buT i didn'T expecT it to be so sooN!!!

i am so so sooooO glAd i mAde the righT choice.....the mAcbook prO iz simplY amAzing witH the multi-toucH pAd and also the bAcklit keyboArd~!! the speed iz amAzing and thingZ are perfecT~ i hAve no probZ leArning mAc.......and now i'M proficienT in botH windowZ and mAc~!!! ^O^

the ipod toucH 2g cAme free witH my mAc purchAze...and i simplY loVe thiZ "blowfisH poppeR" currenT highscoRe iz 188~!!!

oH.....and i also reAlized huA-mei boughT the sAme mAcbook prO in singApore~!!! the differeNce iz she hAz to pAy a coupLe hundred more? heH....but i'M sure she'Z glAd to joiN the appLe fAmily too~!!

for ANYONE out there.....plZ mAke the wize choice and dizcArd youR PC....and proudlY joiN the appLe fAmily~!!!

windowZ? it cAn be simplY rAn in parAllel witH the mAc systeM~ ;P

hAppy applinG~

p.S.: i suddenlY remembeRed adAm wAz also sufferinG bAd timeZ wheN i toLd him my aceR wAz dyinG........welL whY muZ sAd thingZ hAppen all @ oNce?! duH..... >.<

p.p.S.: welL....mAjority of my pAycheck hAz beeN smArtly invesTed in appLe~!!!

p.p.p.S.: an appLe a dAy...keepz the doctoR awAy....buT thiZ appLe surelY keepZ the doctoR awAy for a looooonG tiMe...


Anonymous Meihua said...

Nice Casing!ur wen-mei will love it, haha!

5:15 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

hahAa....yah it'z so pretty!!!! but haz wen-meI bought a case for her iphoNe?

ifrogZ haz iphoNe modelz too~

and think cheAper to buy from on amAzon~

3:39 PM  

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