B.S.o.D. - Acer Disappointment...
B.S.o.D. = Blue Screen of Death = a deadly disease that PCs suffer
yeZ....my precious Acer TM 6292 B.S.o.D.-ed abouT a montH ago???
looK @ my beAuty:
aceR 6292....trAvelmate...
it officiAlly died and now i juZ stuffed it bAck into the lAptop bAg thAt cAme with it.
i aM utterlY sAddened and disAppointed.....if i boughT it for myseLf, the feelingZ wouLd be lighteR but.....thiZ lAptop iz froM zikziK...
befoRe i fleW here to the stAtez...zikziK gAve me thiZ 6292 az an intended fArewell gifT to lAst me througH my Ph.D. studieZ.......welL, @ leAzt it lasted me througH my 1sT yeAr intensiVe courZework - thAnkfully!!!
and luckilY i heeded ben'Z advice to bAckup my datA before it totAlly died - thAnkfully!!!
whAt disAppointed me furtheR wAz thAt wheN i tried to contAct my 2 besT IT friendz.....none rezponded. are theY still friendZ?! welL, zhZ wAz hozpitAlized and cAn be forgiveN....but for dhZ, iz a simple emAil reply thAt tougH?
eventuAlly....i scouRed over the interneT and looKed for possibLe solutionZ......reformAtting...returninG to fActory defAult settingZ...reinstAlling viztA....downgrAding to XP viA soMe complicAted SATA driver thingie....
2 weekz of efforT and everY nighT ended witH sAdnezz. ;(
lessoN 1: PCs sucK...Acer sucK...but i do thAnk Acer for seeinG me througH my undergrAd and the 1sT yeAr of my grAd schooL.
lessoN 2: alwAyz bAckup your datA.
lessoN 3: you are the onlY persoN who you yourseLf cAn alwAyz depeNd on.
lessoN 4: moneY cAn buY you hAppinezz. whY? see my nexT bloG entrY!!!
p.S.: oH....and theN i reAlized my hAirdresser retiRed!!!
p.p.S.: and theN i reAlized the sAlon i pAtronize cloZed dowN!!!!
p.p.p.S.: argH!!!! >.<
yeZ....my precious Acer TM 6292 B.S.o.D.-ed abouT a montH ago???
looK @ my beAuty:
aceR 6292....trAvelmate...
it officiAlly died and now i juZ stuffed it bAck into the lAptop bAg thAt cAme with it.
i aM utterlY sAddened and disAppointed.....if i boughT it for myseLf, the feelingZ wouLd be lighteR but.....thiZ lAptop iz froM zikziK...
befoRe i fleW here to the stAtez...zikziK gAve me thiZ 6292 az an intended fArewell gifT to lAst me througH my Ph.D. studieZ.......welL, @ leAzt it lasted me througH my 1sT yeAr intensiVe courZework - thAnkfully!!!
and luckilY i heeded ben'Z advice to bAckup my datA before it totAlly died - thAnkfully!!!
whAt disAppointed me furtheR wAz thAt wheN i tried to contAct my 2 besT IT friendz.....none rezponded. are theY still friendZ?! welL, zhZ wAz hozpitAlized and cAn be forgiveN....but for dhZ, iz a simple emAil reply thAt tougH?
eventuAlly....i scouRed over the interneT and looKed for possibLe solutionZ......reformAtting...returninG to fActory defAult settingZ...reinstAlling viztA....downgrAding to XP viA soMe complicAted SATA driver thingie....
2 weekz of efforT and everY nighT ended witH sAdnezz. ;(
lessoN 1: PCs sucK...Acer sucK...but i do thAnk Acer for seeinG me througH my undergrAd and the 1sT yeAr of my grAd schooL.
lessoN 2: alwAyz bAckup your datA.
lessoN 3: you are the onlY persoN who you yourseLf cAn alwAyz depeNd on.
lessoN 4: moneY cAn buY you hAppinezz. whY? see my nexT bloG entrY!!!
p.S.: oH....and theN i reAlized my hAirdresser retiRed!!!
p.p.S.: and theN i reAlized the sAlon i pAtronize cloZed dowN!!!!
p.p.p.S.: argH!!!! >.<
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