Sunday, September 06, 2009

raAa chaaA poH >.<

the pAst 2+ weekZ were filLed witH ultimAte sAdnezz...but me ended uP findinG more hAppinezz thAn befoRe - bY pAying a huGe pRice.

thiZ proveZ clicHe-ly thAt wheN 1 dooR closeS, anotheR openZ~ zooMed quicklY into septembeR~!!!!

so let'Z sinG a septembeR sonG (onlY 27 wordZ?):

"fruztrAtion" - fAye wonG

"the skY iz ezpeciAlly higH in septembeR...
and thiZ iz wheN fruztrAtion peAkz..."

"it'Z plAin and borinG in septembeR...
everythinG iz fiNe....but i lAck troublinG thoughtZ."

septembeR 2009'z gonnA be milestoNe montH for me.

raAa chaaA poH >.<


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