theZe feW dAyz, me beeN reAching hoMe verY lAte and settLed dowN onlY afteR midnighT......and thiZ sonG bY mAvis simplY dezcribeZ sAd citY dwellerZ returninG verY lAte at nighT..........i especiAlly loVe itZ lyricZ.
"returninG hoMe onlY wheN nighT fAllz..." - mAvis Hee.
"it'Z feelinG coLd...bcuZ it'Z pAst 12aM.
sAd memorieZ flAsh liKe wishinG stArz acrozZ my heArt...
it'Z a lonelY worLd withiN the dArk lAte nighT...
i'M purrinG in my bluR reverIe...
youR loVe hAz blurRified...
youR sAdnezz iz juZ az viVid...
thuZ heRe we aRe roAming the citY undeR the night skY..
wAndering arouNd - losT and scAred.
we'Ve chozeN to be forgotteN underneAth the moonlighT...
plZ forgeT alL of youR lovelY promiseS..
everyoNe loveZ withouT a singLe biT of confideNce..
plZ don'T wondeR where'Z youR sweeT dreAm...
you'Re alwAyz fRee to feeL lonelY alonG the roAd of lonelinezZ...
plZ forgeT alL of youR sweeT dreAmz...
hoW lonG wilL wArm sunrAyz shiNe on you afteR you wAke up?
juZ liKe a lAte night losT souL tryinG to find itZ directioN...
ignorinG the fAct thAt any roAd of loVe iz alwAyz too shorT.."
kudoZ to mAvis.