Saturday, July 04, 2009

midnighT rendezvouZ...

heRe i aM, in mY owN isolAtion.

heAring the fAint boominG souNd of fireworkZ (it'Z 4tH of julY) in the bAckground.....whAt'z witH fireworkZ anywAy? it'Z seriouZ aiR pollutioN....

...and repeAting thiZ sonG bY fAye:

"rendezvouZ" bY fAye...i usuAlly repeAt thiZ sonG on 13tH februAry.

trAnzlated excerptZ:

"the fingerprintZ you lefT on me...the secretZ i oWe you......wilL all be returNed to the angelZ tonighT..."

"hAppinezz ariseZ bY chAnce....whY shouLd teArz be resistAnt..? we wAlked througH the sAme streeT....buT we returN to two differenT worldZ...."

"forgivinG you....and youR rinG leT me bliVe thAt there'Z true loVe. aH....missinG you exhAustz me...i cAn onlY envY the oNe witH youthfuL innoceNce..."

trulY tempTed to drinK aloT theZe feW nightZ.......buT i feNded off thAt thoughT bcuZ my humorouZ dermAtologizt asKed me to cuT dowN on mY alcohoL i shAll obeY.

"...juZ one or two beerZ iz enougH.." wAz whAt dR. joN sAid......and i alreAdy hAd 3 beerZ @ ben'Z pArty eArlier on...

oK, mAybe i'lL juZ tAke a quicK pAtron silveR shoT. ;P


p.S.: i futuRe, i shouLd avoid gettinG cloZe to alL chriztiAnz and cAtholicz bcuZ of mY owN personAl dizagreementZ witH whAt theY blindlY bliVe in. howeveR, whY cAn't my miNd be more tolerAble?? i need to groW uP and mAture my miNd in thiZ azpecT, and juZ keeP my sillY moutH shuT on thiZ toPic and supprezZ my meAn thoughtZ and commentZ - esp. wheN adAm cAllz...

p.p.S.: "you behAve liKe a bAby"....duH?


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