Wednesday, July 01, 2009


eArlier on todAy, me wenT to superfresH to buY more deliciouZ junK food...

grAbbed 3 huGe pAcketz of doritoZ.. ;P

surprizinglY, the totAl amounT wAz exActly 20.00 buckZ~!!!!

see my receipT~!!

the cAshier wAz surpriZed too and asKed if i purpozely cAlculated to mAke my totAl sucH a nice figuRe...welL of courZe not~~~

recAlling the awesoMe addisoN burgeR meAl @ kooperZ witH grAce yezterdAy...tonight'Z dinneR iz much junkieR and simpleR - a slice of breAd + hotdoG + lettuce + cheeZe, doritoZ, some mAngo orAnge juice, and 2 mAdeleine cookieZ, and a minI strAwberry shortcAke rolL.

somehoW i'M lozinG weighT grAdually bAzed on sucH junkie dieT....


p.S.: wouLd hAve rusHed to buY 4D for "2000" if i wAz in singApore...


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