Wednesday, July 15, 2009

crAisky hAppinezz? impossiblY perisHed.

i wAz deporTed froM dreAmland surprizinglY eArly todAy....thuZ heRe i aM trAnzlating 2 sAd songZ abouT hAppinezz...sAng by 2 of the besT voiceS of asiA:

"i wAnt hAppinezz" bY A*mei...i remembeR heAring xie yI sinG thiZ in lAb befoRe...

"i'M not borN to loVe lonelinezZ....buT i'M the loneliezT humAn...
eveN if i'M giveN the whoLe worLd...i stilL owN nothinG!

i wannA be hAppy...i wannA sleeP peAcefully...
soMe peopLe...fiNd wArmth onlY wheN the hugginG stopZ and stopZ hAting onlY wheN depArted..
i shouLd hAve relinquisHed my loVe verY lonG ago...

i wannA be hAppy...i wannA lAugh out az loud az i cAn...
my heArt hAz gone coLd...everythinG iz a phonY!!
onlY my teArz are genuiNe..."

"relinquishinG - everythinG" bY fAye wonG...

"i'M relinquishinG my every singLe thinG to the oneZ i loVe....
willinG to owN nothinG...
and enjoY hAving no attAchmentz at alL...

if sAdnezz stilL hAuntz me...
leT the wiNd disperZe it...

if i eveR stilL hAve hAppinezz..?
if i eveR stilL hAve hAppinezz.
mAybe, or noT."

i losT mY pAzzport to dreAmland...

p.S.: todAy shouLd be a hAppy dAy siNce my lAb meetinG presentAtion wenT welL....i receiVed a coupLe of frAnk prAises froM a feW lAbberz~ ^o^

p.p.S.: crAisky = crAzy + highlY riskY = a terM i coiNed foR lAb meetinG~

p.p.p.S.: "there wilL alwAyz be a possibLe withiN impossibLe" - a phrAze i coiNed foR lAb meetinG~


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