tYped on: 221105 (1050 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?
noT reAlly sure of whY i initiAted thiZ....wAz it linKed to the controversY of reseArch in Embryonic Stem Cellz?
Stem cellz are bAsically wonderful cells which are undifferentiAted. whicH bAsically meAnz they do not hAve an identitY yeT,,,,our skiN cells are definiTely very differenT from a celL thAt belongZ to our intestiNe...becAuse they serVe differenT functionZ (on simpLe termZ)
a metAphor would be - cellZ are similAr to a buncH of bAll-beAringz thAt you manufActure...all of them are whiTe when they weRe mAnufActured...the rAw form of theZe beAringz will be their undifferentiAted stAte. theN you stArt to pAint them...into vArious colorZ, and eveN denT some of theM to chAnge their morphologicAl shApe, or eveN exterminAte some pArt of theZe beAringz...then coloRize them. all theZe posT-modificAtionz sucH az colorinG and dentinG equAtes to the differentiAting procezZ of cellZ....whicH guidez theM to becoMe more speciAlized in their abilitieZ.
thuZ, "rAw" cellZ liKe steM cellZ are undifferentiAted, and they hAve the potentiAl to develoP into vAriouz kindz of cellz....severAl degreeZ of their "potentiAl" hAve been deduced...soMe cAn be pluripotenT - theY can develoP into ANY celL type excepT extrAembryonic cellz (placentA and chorioN for eg.); soMe totipotenT - reAlly cAn becoMe ANY cell tYpe they wAnt.....and also multipotenT - whicH cAn adopt severAl specialisationZ. besideZ theze, oligopotenT, dipotenT, unipotenT, and nullipotenT are defiNed according to the prefix tAgged to them.
normAlly, pluripotenT and multipotenT steM cellZ are more uzefuL for mAnkind reseArch. pluripotenT cellZ are more "plastic" thAn multipotent cells, thuZ are more valuable, and cAn be souRced from eitheR humAn embryoZ, or aborTed fetuses - Embryonic Stem Cellz (ESCz). thuZ, theZe sourceZ hAve been directlY linKed to politicAL and ethicAl issuez which complicAte and deter souRcing of steM cellz in thiZ directioN.
ethicAl cuZ it wAz antAgonized thAt thiZ form of sourcinG would be encourAging abortion activitieZ (as if aborterZ are zealouZ in theiR contributioN to scientific reseArch...) and thAt sourcinG form embryoZ will destroY a potentiAl "life", becuZ removing the steM cellZ from the embrYo will destroY the embrYo, thuZ remoVe a potentiAl "life". i agRee....but isn'T it sensibLe to mAke fulL uze of "rubbisH"? appArently yeZ.
politicAl cuZ the ethicAl issueZ hAve impoSed stress on federAl fundinG for steM cell reseArch...thuZ greAtly deterrinG thiZ reseArch directioN. lucKily thiZ bAn waz lifTed.....and i bliVe and prAY thAT it will remAin lifTed.
howeveR, multipotenT steM cellZ can be relAtively eAsily souRced from a growN humAn without hArming mucH of the humAn az a full beinG - Adult Stem Cellz (ASCz). for exAmple, if you pulL out a strAnd of hAir, you feeL slighT pAin....but noW you are awAre thAt hAir follicLez contAin ACSz! thiZ would be an excellenT exAmple of the nicHe of ASCz...otherZ include...peripherAl blood...boNe mArrow...juZ to nAme a feW, and more are to be dizcoveRed!
thuZ....in shorT, developmenT in ASCz are not politicAlly or ethicAlly threAtening...and shAll be deeMed cruciAl to scientific reseArch~
hoPe you undersTood thiZ entrY...and hoPe thAt you mAnaged to skiM througH until thiZ line too...hahAaa...