Monday, November 28, 2005

declAration of messenginG usAge...


i remembeR promisinG NOT to uze M** Messenger foreveR in my life...vicVic should know abouT thiZ.

howeveR, me told thAt windowZ messengeR waz able to linK to all in M** Messenger....heNce i got myself a .NET passport and tried logginG into windowZ messengeR....but the versioN waz incompAtible with the service blAh blAh....

eventuAlly i downloAded thAt M** Messenger version 7.5....and stArted a linK to my very cloZe friendz....siNce they all hAve obsoleted my deArest ICQ....i guezZ i gottA maintAin my link to them...cAtch up with their trendZ....

not excuseS but i think thiZ iz vAlid enough, and if you eveR ask me...i DO NOT use M** Messenger....i will replY i am using windowZ messengeR....ok? i still don'T M**....

i promiZed not to M** for some vAlid personAl reAsonz - complicAting.

anywAy, i enjoy windowZ messenginG! i will only restricT it to be a portAl betweeN me and severAl luckY selected friendZ....which of courZe includes my astRo gAng!

oK...vicVic...i cAnnot reveAl my e-mAil here...juZ in cAze, hence if you see thiZ msg me or when we meeT up i will telL yA ok? ^o^

tAke home msG: I use windowZ messengeR and NOT M** Messenger.

neveR forgetting the dAyz of icQ...

mApleseA serveR dowN..!!!!

oh my gosH...!!!

the mAplesea serveR haz been dowN since lAst evening!!!! tiL hAz been more thAn 12 hourz!!!

oh reAlly itchinG for mAple somehow...hahAaa...

stucK at lvL 20....hopinG to lvL up sooN, perhApz lvL 30 by the end of thiZ holidAy bAh?

okAi....bAck to reAd up on scientific pAperz...^O^

missinG mAple...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

vic'Z qnz on abseNce of bloG actioN...

tYped on: 241105 (1157 hrs)
initiAted on: 290905

i suddeNly receiVed a sMs from vicVic askinG if i hAve stopPed blogginG....hahAa...

not noPe, not stoP....juZ a temporAry hAlt ok? cuZ of the stuffZ i am cAught withiN....and a different strAtegy i adopTed to blogginG - by the retrospectiVe stYle~

anywAy, vic, you aRe the only one so fAr whoM i reveAled my bloG addie to...^O^

heNce i bliVe you aRe the only one i knoW in persoN....reAding my bloG...if noT, the only humAn being reAding my bloG!! ;P

i thinK thiZ iz good....cuZ we don'T meet uP ofteN nowAdayz...and thiZ portAl allowZ you to kindA know the bitz and pieceZ thAt hAppened to me....and bY reAding your bloG, i know abouT your life~

so, we shAll not stop blogginG ok....

now me juZ wonderinG if i shouLd releAze my bloG addIe to dhZ? siNce i hAve been reAding hiZ blog too...hahAaa...but moZ of hiZ entrieZ aRe juZ so current affAirz and politicAl....(not necessArily politicAlly correct thougH!) thAt i simplY skiP reAding thoZe chunkY and articLe-like onez....hahAaa...i am stilL someoNe who reAdz strAitz tiMez strictlY for poP gossipZ and the bAby blueZ comic!!! ;P


nTu alumNi - thAnk you!!

tYped on: 241105 (1154 hrs)
initiAted on: 280905

i juZ wannA exprezZ the nTu alumNi for kindlY grAnting me a gifT whicH will allow me to stAy alive and supporT myseLf for a anotheR period of my life...

thAnk you thAnk you thAnk you!!!

witH siNcere thAnkz...

seeinG 2 guyz sleepinG 2 metreZ froM me withiN 3 dAyz

tYped on: 241105 (1150 hrs)
initiAted on: 280905

i got a hozteL!! and i hAve proveN the fAct that one cAn get a hosteL dezpiTe hAving zeRo ecA pointz! ;P

howeveR, thingZ cAn be abit complicAting cuZ it waz too mucH of a coincideNce....

cuZ juZ befoRe i receiVed my officiAl issue of a hozteL for thiZ academic yeAr, ferN, my friendlY lectuRe mAte, actuAlly introduced me to her boY who wAnted to let out hiZ hozteL spAce unofficiAlly...yA know, we dizplAy nAmez on the hozteL doorZ and if i tooK hiZ rooM, it will be hiZ name but me who stAyz~

thAnkz to ferN thAt i actuAlly got a hozteL at hAll 10....i hAppily shifTed my bAsic necessitieZ in on a sundAy....and waZ prepAred to shifT in on mondAy night. juZ az plAnned, i wenT to the rooM on mondAy night....and withiN 10 minutez, i got my lAptop connected to checK my e-mAil....and got inforMed of my officiAl administrAtion of a spAce at hAll 2!!!!

mY gosH....hAll 2!!! it iz the mosT strAtegic hozteL with the besT air-conditioNed cAnteen, a supermArt, a hAirdressing shoP and eveN a fruiT and veGe stAll!!! hahAaa...and i immediAtely processed my acceptAnce...and reAlized thAt my rooM wAz eveN more strAtegic! onlY abouT 10 minz wAlk awAy from my schooL...heNce i cAn skip wAiting for thAt lAggy free shuttLe internAl buz! hAppy~

the besT pArt iz thAt thiZ hAll haz toiletZ attAched to the rooMz! heNce i don'T need to wAlk out and uze the public toiletZ! woo Hoo~ 2 rooMz normAlly shAre a toilet siNce it iz in betweeN....but cuZ mine'Z a corneR rooM, heNce, i get my owN toilet!!!! hahAaaa......thAnk God...

thougH not a singLe roommAte (a computeR engineerinG guy...) seldoM comez bAck! in fAct, i noticed he onlY stAyz for mondAy and tuezdAy...a verY quiet guY i would sAy - so whAt more cAn i ask for? ^O^

fAscinAtingly....thiZ guy (Chun Keat) waZ also a direct entrY from polY....whicH remindZ me of rizAl, my roommAte for lAst yeAr...and botH of theM are doing engineerinG...rizAl'z into mechAnical eng, whiLe chun keAt'z doing compueR engineerinG. fAte iz simplY unfAthomable....

oH, regArding the titLe of thiZ entrY, cuZ roommAtez will sleep abouT 2 metreZ from me righT? heNce, i sAw tiAn nuo (the reAlly temporarY hAll 10 roommAte) on the mondAy i stepped in....and i sAw chuN keAt (my hAll 2 roommAte) on the following it'Z 2 guyZ withiN 3 dAyz~

in fAct....i onlY shAred a rooM witH tiAn nuo (meAning heAven'z promize) for thAt mondAy night...and fAte reAlly dizallowz me and him to be roommAtez, cuZ i expect to shAre roomZ with him for 1 week....but it seemZ funnY wheN we tooK turnz to be absent through the week....hahAaa...mondAy both of us stAyed, tueZ i he couldn'T stAy....thurZ i hAd tuitioN so stAyed with cheZter...and fridAy he went hoMe...whiLe i stAyed. fAte iz a funnY clowN who enjoyZ mAking people lAugh....sucH a kind fellAr...i loVe fAte!! ;P

i am trulY thAnkful for whAt i received....all az plAnned i bliVe...^.^ ^o^ ^O^

witH siNcere thAnkz...

P.S.: shAll try to posT some picZ on hAll 10 and hAll 2...; )

urecA durinG seP holZ...

tYped on: 241105 (0036 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in seP 05?

hAd a one-weeK "sTudY" breAk during sePtember.....which waz meAnt for uz to cAtch up on schoolworK and prepAre for upcominG testZ after the shorT holZ.

howeveR, i spenT it wizelY in URECA - the reseArch progrAm thAt i waz selected for....
in a wAy, thiZ choice wAz to fulfilL my promiZe to my prof. thAt i will dedicAte my holidAyz fullY to her...and i did it~ ^o^

wenT bAck for 4 fulL dAyz....and fridAy tooK leAve juZ to relAx....and kindA compromiZed on my revisioN (oK, if i ever reviZe so obedientlY..) for the mAjor testZ after the shorT holZ.....

howeveR, all was wortH it, and trulY - a promiZe iz a promiZe. somethinG i leArnt to appreciAte from a v speciAl person....; )


a 0.5 astRo outinG....

tYped on: 221105 (1050 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in seP 05?

onlY a hAlf outinG cuZ i hAd to teAch tuitioN...thuZ onlY joined them durinG dinneR, and mizzed the fuN at the big splAsh!

anywAy, glAd thAT i went tuitioN cuZ my cheZter (my tuitioN kid) led me to thiZ very nice cAkeshop and guided me to buy the sAme flAvour of b-dAy cAke for chriZ and lJ!!!

yuP....the mAin aiM of thiZ outing wAz to celebrAte the b-dAyz of septembeR bAbiez~ hahAa...

we diNed at chomP pAng...hAven't been there for aGez since armY...and visiTed chriZ'z plAce thereafteR. heR doggie iz very fieRce but adorAble i would sAy....who only liKez femAle duH right?

of courZe....thiZ waz an in-houZe outing....heNce we plAyed the "diu diu diu" gAme!!! thiZ time we counTed number of tiMez of the culpriT who hAlted the gAme....and of courZe yelloW sZ waz the winner in sucH action co-ordinAtion intensiVe gAmez....;P and her forfeiT waz to mAke an instructionAl video for thiZ thAT we don'T hAve to teAch agAin juZ in cAze some newbieZ joined our grouP....;P

cAn't wAit to see the video! oK...provided it will reAlly be filMed....hahAaa....


mAplestory (temP retiremenT)

tYped on: 221105 (0027 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in seP 05?

mAple leveL 20!

weAring mAgic robe!

usinG metAl wAnd!

trAvelled to the mAgic lAnd elliniA and enteRed the chief magiciAn'z portAl....

and thiZ shAll be the point in tiMe when i annouNce my self-discipliNed temporAry retiremenT from mApling....

shAll resuMe afteR my exAmz and durinG my holZ~

yuP, thiZ iz the mAture wAy to hAndle thingZ....gottA prioritiZe righT? righT.

a retirinG illZ.

anAlogy of mAple and our liveZ...

tYped on: 241105 (0014 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in seP 05?

it wAz interestinG...cuZ i wAz wondering hoW mAplestory cAn be linKed to our liVez...

in mAplestory, which simplY iz a role plAying cAn chooZe to be a thief...a magiciAn (me~~~), a wArrior...or bowmAn...and whAt hAve you chAracterz.....thiZ correspondZ to choosinG our occupAtiona and who we wannA be right? whetheR we wannA be sneAky like the thief...intelligenT like the magiciAn....accurAte like the bowmAn...or stronG like a wArrior....

theN you nAme your chAracter....and trAIn him/her in vAriouZ areAz like strengtH, lucK....intelligeNce....skillZ....etc. whicH correspondZ to our schooling and eternAl nurturing and leArning journey doesn'T it? we keep on leArning new thingZ all the tiMe....we "trAin" ourselVes endlezzlY in our livez......

theN when your chAracter iz strong enougH, he/she mAy participAte in different questZ of different difficultieZ.......which correspondz to the chAllenges we fAce in our livez....and the missionZ and aimz and goAl of our livez....

do you see the linK? there aRe even shopz around the plAce for hAirdoz...accessorieZ....and whAt hAve you!

you eveN hAve to trAvel around victoriA islAnd and exploRe differenT areAz to seeK out more treAsurez and more monsterZ to attAck.....thiZ correspondZ to uz trAvelling around the globe to wideN our perspectiVez....

now, do you see the linK?

mAplestory depictZ and reflectZ our simpLe livez............

now i understAnd why i am simplY addicTed.

perhApz i wAz juZ tryinG to find out more abouT life...


addictiVe mApling...

tYped on: 241105 (0009 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in seP 05?

the situAtion'z kindA getting out of my controL.....:

i mAple before the firsT lecTure in the morninG...

i mAple durinG luncH breAkz....

i mAple before my tutoriAl beginz...

i mAple durinG in betweeN breAkz....

i mAple wheneveR possibLe!!!!

wheRever iz possibLe for me cuZ i am on wirelezZ at botH nTu and nIe....but it'Z the wheneveR thAt worriez me.....i knoW thiZ cAn't go on but somehoW it iz juZ so addictiVe....witH everY Exp gAined i will simplY wAnt more! i wannA leveL up....weAr thiz robe and uZe thAt wAnd etc etc....

furthermoRe i cAn tell adriAn thAt i am sorrY for ignorinG him and continue mApling insteAd.....

all righT, gottA put thiZ to a hAlt soon.

controllinG in procezz...

my thuMbdrive!!!

tYped on: 241105 (0005 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?

i remembeR about thiZ incident....wheN i stAyed quite lAte in my school'Z comp lAb....and waZ transferrinG filez into my cuTe littLe iomegA thumbdriVe...which trulY iz a "thuMb" driVe...theN i left the lAb and heAded hoMe....

the next dAy i wAnted to retrieVe the fiLez form my drive in the resouRce room....and it wAz not in my penciL cAze! my! i left it in the comP. lAb the night befoRe!!! goSh....a rAn to the lAb....wenT bAck to the seAt i sAt....and there it wAz, pulled out froM the USB porT, strAnded on the desK......

thAnk God and thAnk you to whoever thAt iz so kiNd and knoW, the kind wHo wouldn't tAke thingZ thAt does not belonG to him or heR? ; )

witH thAnkz and respecT...

tony romA'z with ziK..

tYped on: 231105 (2352 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?

thiZ waZ the besT westerN meAl thAT i hAd so fAr in my life!!! the bAbyback ribZ of tonY romA'z iz truly trulY verY tAsty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

locAted arouNd the fountAin of weAlth at suNtec citY...good locAtion, good abieNce, good vieW of the koI gArden, and of courZe the greAt delicAciez compleTez the wonderfuL picture at tonY romA'z!!! ^O^

and the best pArt...? it wAz a treAt from zikziK!!! hahAaaa....woo hoo~ 2 of uz dowNed abT 100 wortH of tonY romA'z delicAcy....and i agRee with ziK thAt i didn'T know how porK ribZ cAn be cooKed until theY are so tAsty!!!!

anywAy, thougH it wAz a treAt from ziK, the eveN betteR pArt iz thAt she uzed the sub-crediT cArd linKed to yiyI! wAz yiyI who infuriAted my zikziK....heNce she wAz hAving it out on hiM by spendinG - of courZe on worthY areAz like givinG me a treAt!! ;P

i wondeR when will be the nexT time i visiT tonY romA'z...definiTely not recentlY bAh...simplY too ex....but i promiZe myseLf thAt somedAy....when i cAn supporT myseLf fullY, i will brinG pA and mi to try the delicAciez there - i hoPe so!!!! ^O^

bAbyback ribz...yumyuM!!!

eAsy money...m1

tYped on: 231105 (2348 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?

mArcuz - someoNe i knew from armY - cAlled me one dAy and asKed me if i wAz from M1? of courZe! i am everywheRe under the suN right? ^o^

thuZ, i quAlified for a mArket reseArch surveY for the compAny he waz a temp at durinG hiz holidAy...

initiAlly i didn'T expecT to be pAid, or rAther be pAid only about 10 buckZ or so for a 45min computeRized survey...juZ click loH so simpLe.....and heY! i got 30 buckZ insteAd!!! thinK thiZ iz one of the eAsiest kind of cAsh i got...hahAa!!!

thAnkz mArcuz...(if only you see thiZ which i strongly doubT so~ ;P)


sillY cursor gAme witH adriAn...

tYped on: 231105 (2340 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?

if you remembeR, adriAn'z my pAl in schooL....we accompAny eAch other throughouT the dAy - lecTurez, tutoriAlz...luncH...lonG breAkz~

i am glAd i'Ve got him az a compAnion, cuZ he'z so lAmely funnY....thAT i cAn't stop lAughing abT how i focified hiM....(remembeR focY'z meaning?) hahAhAa....he somehoW becAme focY too....and i bliVe i helPed him by introducinG some life inTo his quieT and gAme-ful worLd.

alSo, i live in bedoK while he livez somewheRe around vJc, hence, he hAz to trAvel all the wAy from schooL to bedoK statioN too! whAt a nice coincideNce....i hAve not receiVed my hozteL then, thuZ i wAz trAvelling witH adriAn and focifyinG him for abouT 2 montHz....hahAaa~~~

anYway he wAz a guy who simplY lovez gAmez - from PS2 to PC gamez and whAtever.....i aM one who does not reAlly plAy gAmez, excepT brAinlezz and cuTe onez. and adriAn intro-ed thiZ trulY cute cursoR gAme! it feAturez thiz guy who wAnt to snAtch your cursor from you! it'Z a good time consumeR....adriAn plAyz it while he iz printing on hiS bubblejeT....(yA know how sloW thAt cAn be...) and siNce my aceR lAptop iz kindA convenienT, we plAy it witH the sensor peN insteAd of a mouze throughouT our trAIn ridez!!! ^O^

a reAlly efficient and greAt wAy to speNd trAin time....i do not uZe a mouZe - heedinG vicVic'z advice on beinG fullY portAble - heNce we plAY it with the toucH screeN peN~ hahAaa...focilY fuN.


the "diu diu diu" outinG!

tYped on: 231105 (2329 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?

thiZ one iz dedicAted to one of our aztRo gAng outingz...whicH we wenT to "purpLe rAin"'z houZe and enjoYed a swiM...sAuna and alSo steAm bAth!!! hahAaa,,,very fuN az i stilL remembeRed thAt we plAyed this modified ping ponG gAme in our swimminG attirez....whiLe wAiting for the sAuna to be set uP...we weRe runninG round the ping ponG tAble...cuZ we were suppoSed to run to the otheR side and hit from opposite sideZ on successiVe hitz....soundZ confusinG....but fuN! hahAaa...

anywAy, when we settLe down afteR a nice afternooN swiM in hiZ houze, we oRdered pizzA...plAyed some uNo thingIe...the one witH the auTo-uNo-dispensing mAchine..and thiZ cArd gAme....theN we moVed to plAY thiZ "brAinlezZ" co-ordinAtion "actioN" gAme...whicH i cAll it the "diu diu diu" gAme!!! ;P

we hAve to sit in a circLe..and theRe will be a sequeNce of actionZ thAt we hAve to pAzz around eitheR in sequeNce around the circLe or we cAn "short circuiT" and pAzz the action to anyoNe of our choice! a verY actioN co-ordinAtion gAme bAh.....but very fuN!!!

noW me reAlly into thiZ gAme...and will suggesT to plAY it wheneveR possibLe~ i suppoZe we shouLd not plAy it in public plAcez like stArbuckz....thinK otherZ will think we aRe freAKz...hahAaa.....we shAll only plAy whiLe durinG in-houSe gAtheringz~ ^o^

diu diu diu~~~

the developmeNt of adulT steM cellz...

tYped on: 221105 (1050 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?

noT reAlly sure of whY i initiAted thiZ....wAz it linKed to the controversY of reseArch in Embryonic Stem Cellz?

Stem cellz are bAsically wonderful cells which are undifferentiAted. whicH bAsically meAnz they do not hAve an identitY yeT,,,,our skiN cells are definiTely very differenT from a celL thAt belongZ to our intestiNe...becAuse they serVe differenT functionZ (on simpLe termZ)

a metAphor would be - cellZ are similAr to a buncH of bAll-beAringz thAt you manufActure...all of them are whiTe when they weRe mAnufActured...the rAw form of theZe beAringz will be their undifferentiAted stAte. theN you stArt to pAint them...into vArious colorZ, and eveN denT some of theM to chAnge their morphologicAl shApe, or eveN exterminAte some pArt of theZe beAringz...then coloRize them. all theZe posT-modificAtionz sucH az colorinG and dentinG equAtes to the differentiAting procezZ of cellZ....whicH guidez theM to becoMe more speciAlized in their abilitieZ.

thuZ, "rAw" cellZ liKe steM cellZ are undifferentiAted, and they hAve the potentiAl to develoP into vAriouz kindz of cellz....severAl degreeZ of their "potentiAl" hAve been deduced...soMe cAn be pluripotenT - theY can develoP into ANY celL type excepT extrAembryonic cellz (placentA and chorioN for eg.); soMe totipotenT - reAlly cAn becoMe ANY cell tYpe they wAnt.....and also multipotenT - whicH cAn adopt severAl specialisationZ. besideZ theze, oligopotenT, dipotenT, unipotenT, and nullipotenT are defiNed according to the prefix tAgged to them.

normAlly, pluripotenT and multipotenT steM cellZ are more uzefuL for mAnkind reseArch. pluripotenT cellZ are more "plastic" thAn multipotent cells, thuZ are more valuable, and cAn be souRced from eitheR humAn embryoZ, or aborTed fetuses - Embryonic Stem Cellz (ESCz). thuZ, theZe sourceZ hAve been directlY linKed to politicAL and ethicAl issuez which complicAte and deter souRcing of steM cellz in thiZ directioN.

ethicAl cuZ it wAz antAgonized thAt thiZ form of sourcinG would be encourAging abortion activitieZ (as if aborterZ are zealouZ in theiR contributioN to scientific reseArch...) and thAt sourcinG form embryoZ will destroY a potentiAl "life", becuZ removing the steM cellZ from the embrYo will destroY the embrYo, thuZ remoVe a potentiAl "life". i agRee....but isn'T it sensibLe to mAke fulL uze of "rubbisH"? appArently yeZ.

politicAl cuZ the ethicAl issueZ hAve impoSed stress on federAl fundinG for steM cell reseArch...thuZ greAtly deterrinG thiZ reseArch directioN. lucKily thiZ bAn waz lifTed.....and i bliVe and prAY thAT it will remAin lifTed.

howeveR, multipotenT steM cellZ can be relAtively eAsily souRced from a growN humAn without hArming mucH of the humAn az a full beinG - Adult Stem Cellz (ASCz). for exAmple, if you pulL out a strAnd of hAir, you feeL slighT pAin....but noW you are awAre thAt hAir follicLez contAin ACSz! thiZ would be an excellenT exAmple of the nicHe of ASCz...otherZ include...peripherAl blood...boNe mArrow...juZ to nAme a feW, and more are to be dizcoveRed! shorT, developmenT in ASCz are not politicAlly or ethicAlly threAtening...and shAll be deeMed cruciAl to scientific reseArch~

hoPe you undersTood thiZ entrY...and hoPe thAt you mAnaged to skiM througH until thiZ line too...hahAaa...


Monday, November 21, 2005

wirelezZ @ nIe!!!

tYped on: 221105 (1039 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?

i hAve alwAyz been using wirelezZ within my schooLcoumpound, whicH iz nTu onlY.....but i alwAyz cAn't access the wirelezZ networK at our friendlY and "deliciouZ" neighbouR nIe...

nTu = NTU = Nanyang Technological University
nIe = NIE = National Institute of Education

alwAyz wondered whY they were side by side? mAybe cuZ nTu grAdz will move on to nIe to be trAined az teAcherz insteAd...hahAaa...and nIe iz "deliciouZ" cuZ i am addicTed to thiZ noodle stAll at it'z cAnteen! the very nice auntY and uncLe sellinG "pai gu miAn" and "xiang gu rou cuo mian" - reAlly are delicAciez!! i alwAyz eAt wheneveR i aM there, and me and adriAn will alwAyz visiT during our 3 hR long breAkz. eH? i am not the only fAn of thiZ and adriAn are~

bAck to wirelezZ issue. i manAged to find the wAy to applY for nIe wirelezZ connectioN az a nTu the nIe comP. lAb....hmM, the momenT the IT desKer heArd thAt i aM from nTu, i sensed the - nTu agAin? - kiNd of expressioN....hahAaa...but he stilL hAd to fulfill hiZ job yeA? ;P

so i cAn finAlly hide myseLf anywheRe within nIe or mAple!!! thAt waz my initiAl aiM i suppoZe...hahAa, a hArdcore wirelezZ mApler~~~

kudoZ to "fRee" wiRelezZ!!!


illZone, retrospectiVely...

tYped on: 211105 (2150 hrs)

woW...felT like i hAve beeN awAy for montHz...

wheRe did i go?

bAsicAlly i wAz tied up in schooL worK....tutoriAlz, lAb reportZ, lecT. noteZ...tryinG to cAtch up (i literAlly meAn it - tryinG to cAtch uP)...theN cAme the exAmz...a whoLe confinemenT of abouT 4 weekZ withiN my hozteL...(whicH i will posT photoZ of...)...somethinG liKe bi guAn xiu liAn...;P
yuP, theN alonG the wAy...i didn'T hAve time to compleTe entries, but i recorded dowN mAin titlez for entrieZ-to-be, and theY are entrieZ-will-be noW!

illZone will be presented in a retrospectiVe styLe...thuZ, theY will hAve a "tyPed" dAte and an "initiAted" dAte tAgged with eAch entry...if theZe detAilz are absenT, they will be doNe on "reAl tiMe".

all righT...immediAte tAskz for now would be:

1. triM hAir (i terriblY mizZ my spiKez!!!)

2. triM nAilz....they aRe like at leAst 6mm now...hahAaa...

3. sleeP aloT...oK, i alwAyz do.

4. wAtch hArry potteR - by hooK or by crooK ASAP.

5. giVe vicVic a nice treAt...gottA arrAnge it...

6. giVe dAd and muM a belAted b-dAy treAt - settLed on thiZ cominG sundAy.

by the wAy...i grAbbed mAriAh'z repAcked albuM agAin!!! "the emAncipation" of miMi...juZ gonnA get it cuZ of theZe added songZ and a dVd contAining her beAutiful music videoZ! otheR goddezZ besidez fAye~

i hAve a 6-dAy breAk...theN will be bAck to helP out at my very verY nice professor'Z reseArch lAb bAck at schooL...she'Z a very nice womAn whoM i adoRe...prettY, elegAnt and everythinG nice...i shAll cAll her "mZ. Nice". heNce i will be stAying at hozteL stArting nexT weeK and mApling awAy at nighT....hahAaa....

alL righT, gottA keep oN movinG...and prAy thAt all thingZ go well...gottA hAve fuN thiZ whoLe 6 dAyz~!!! ^o^
