Monday, November 28, 2005

declAration of messenginG usAge...


i remembeR promisinG NOT to uze M** Messenger foreveR in my life...vicVic should know abouT thiZ.

howeveR, me told thAt windowZ messengeR waz able to linK to all in M** Messenger....heNce i got myself a .NET passport and tried logginG into windowZ messengeR....but the versioN waz incompAtible with the service blAh blAh....

eventuAlly i downloAded thAt M** Messenger version 7.5....and stArted a linK to my very cloZe friendz....siNce they all hAve obsoleted my deArest ICQ....i guezZ i gottA maintAin my link to them...cAtch up with their trendZ....

not excuseS but i think thiZ iz vAlid enough, and if you eveR ask me...i DO NOT use M** Messenger....i will replY i am using windowZ messengeR....ok? i still don'T M**....

i promiZed not to M** for some vAlid personAl reAsonz - complicAting.

anywAy, i enjoy windowZ messenginG! i will only restricT it to be a portAl betweeN me and severAl luckY selected friendZ....which of courZe includes my astRo gAng!

oK...vicVic...i cAnnot reveAl my e-mAil here...juZ in cAze, hence if you see thiZ msg me or when we meeT up i will telL yA ok? ^o^

tAke home msG: I use windowZ messengeR and NOT M** Messenger.

neveR forgetting the dAyz of icQ...


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