Saturday, November 26, 2005

the "diu diu diu" outinG!

tYped on: 231105 (2329 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in auG 05?

thiZ one iz dedicAted to one of our aztRo gAng outingz...whicH we wenT to "purpLe rAin"'z houZe and enjoYed a swiM...sAuna and alSo steAm bAth!!! hahAaa,,,very fuN az i stilL remembeRed thAt we plAyed this modified ping ponG gAme in our swimminG attirez....whiLe wAiting for the sAuna to be set uP...we weRe runninG round the ping ponG tAble...cuZ we were suppoSed to run to the otheR side and hit from opposite sideZ on successiVe hitz....soundZ confusinG....but fuN! hahAaa...

anywAy, when we settLe down afteR a nice afternooN swiM in hiZ houze, we oRdered pizzA...plAyed some uNo thingIe...the one witH the auTo-uNo-dispensing mAchine..and thiZ cArd gAme....theN we moVed to plAY thiZ "brAinlezZ" co-ordinAtion "actioN" gAme...whicH i cAll it the "diu diu diu" gAme!!! ;P

we hAve to sit in a circLe..and theRe will be a sequeNce of actionZ thAt we hAve to pAzz around eitheR in sequeNce around the circLe or we cAn "short circuiT" and pAzz the action to anyoNe of our choice! a verY actioN co-ordinAtion gAme bAh.....but very fuN!!!

noW me reAlly into thiZ gAme...and will suggesT to plAY it wheneveR possibLe~ i suppoZe we shouLd not plAy it in public plAcez like stArbuckz....thinK otherZ will think we aRe freAKz...hahAaa.....we shAll only plAy whiLe durinG in-houSe gAtheringz~ ^o^

diu diu diu~~~


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