Saturday, November 26, 2005

urecA durinG seP holZ...

tYped on: 241105 (0036 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in seP 05?

hAd a one-weeK "sTudY" breAk during sePtember.....which waz meAnt for uz to cAtch up on schoolworK and prepAre for upcominG testZ after the shorT holZ.

howeveR, i spenT it wizelY in URECA - the reseArch progrAm thAt i waz selected for....
in a wAy, thiZ choice wAz to fulfilL my promiZe to my prof. thAt i will dedicAte my holidAyz fullY to her...and i did it~ ^o^

wenT bAck for 4 fulL dAyz....and fridAy tooK leAve juZ to relAx....and kindA compromiZed on my revisioN (oK, if i ever reviZe so obedientlY..) for the mAjor testZ after the shorT holZ.....

howeveR, all was wortH it, and trulY - a promiZe iz a promiZe. somethinG i leArnt to appreciAte from a v speciAl person....; )



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