Saturday, November 26, 2005

a 0.5 astRo outinG....

tYped on: 221105 (1050 hrs)
initiAted on: unsuRe...somewheRe in seP 05?

onlY a hAlf outinG cuZ i hAd to teAch tuitioN...thuZ onlY joined them durinG dinneR, and mizzed the fuN at the big splAsh!

anywAy, glAd thAT i went tuitioN cuZ my cheZter (my tuitioN kid) led me to thiZ very nice cAkeshop and guided me to buy the sAme flAvour of b-dAy cAke for chriZ and lJ!!!

yuP....the mAin aiM of thiZ outing wAz to celebrAte the b-dAyz of septembeR bAbiez~ hahAa...

we diNed at chomP pAng...hAven't been there for aGez since armY...and visiTed chriZ'z plAce thereafteR. heR doggie iz very fieRce but adorAble i would sAy....who only liKez femAle duH right?

of courZe....thiZ waz an in-houZe outing....heNce we plAyed the "diu diu diu" gAme!!! thiZ time we counTed number of tiMez of the culpriT who hAlted the gAme....and of courZe yelloW sZ waz the winner in sucH action co-ordinAtion intensiVe gAmez....;P and her forfeiT waz to mAke an instructionAl video for thiZ thAT we don'T hAve to teAch agAin juZ in cAze some newbieZ joined our grouP....;P

cAn't wAit to see the video! oK...provided it will reAlly be filMed....hahAaa....



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