juZ woKe.
theN woKe abouT noW in the middLe of the nighT..? rememberinG vAguely....thAt i wAz bAck hoMe (the one in singApore) in a dreAm......buT i wAzn't hAppy. i wAz on the verGe of cryinG due to emotionAl seLf-reprimAnding....i stood in mY home kitcheN in fronT of the mirroR...i don'T thinK i wAz lookinG at myseLf crY.
and i juZ reAlized i skipPed dinneR......but i'M not hungrY....the sierrA i drAnk befoRe cominG hoMe wAz my dinneR.
lotzA thingZ i wannA do but i leAve undoNe...
one of theM iz to collAte the NYC-triP photoZ and shoW theM to my fAmily at leAzt...
and lotzA otheR lAb stuffZ....and thiZ tAke-home exAm whicH i keeP drAgging....
welL, here i picK my fAvorite seLf portrAit froM my NYC triP.....tAken at centrAl pArk...:
bAck to completinG the secoNd hAlf of my genomicZ exAm.