Saturday, December 05, 2009

drencHed in the snoW.

winteR officiAlly arriVed cuZ i wAlked in fAlling snoW-rAin mixtuRe todAy.

i cAnnot explAin my thoughtZ or actionZ to myseLf recentlY.
beeN thinkinG aloT.

aloT moRe?
or aloT lezZ?
it juZ mAkez thingZ moRe confuzinG.
and i don'T knoW whY.

not wAnting to worK,
or do whAt i need to.
or do whAt i wAnt to.
buT i need to.
and i wilL.
and heRe i aM workinG.
seeinG the bAndz i expecTed seeinG.

iZ thAt juZ an incompleTe enzyMe digeztioN?
noW i gottA triAl an overnighT reAction.
wannA do soMe genoMic extrAction.

i need and i wAnt to cleAn my rooM.
i'lL begiN witH my lAundry.

glAd for certAin thingZ.
feelZ bAd for refuzinG.
irkinG certAin thingZ.

need to stAy awAy.
foreveR fArway.

deAdline'z neAring...
need to stArt myseLf goinG.

beeN wAtching and beinG amAzed bY susAn boyLe:

lizteN to the lyricZ cArefully bcuZ they are verY sAd, but hopefuL.
"noW life hAz kilLed the dreAm i dreAmed." iz the finAl senteNce.

mY stArz juZ keeP fAlling.

whAt elZe wilL i chAnge?

cAn't affoRd to chAnge my addrezZ - yeT.

or mAybe i won'T.


losT - yeT?

i'lL pAuze typinG and stArt thinkinG.

life iz a choicelezZ gAme alL sentienT beingZ are liceNzed to plAy.

refuginG on mY inneR jettY extendinG into my seA of wondeR.


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