Friday, December 11, 2009

lettinG go iz an essentiAl life skilL.

one of my fAvorite mAndarin songZ of alL tiMe...bcuZ it mAkez senZe and i agRee witH the lyricZ...everytiMe i plAy thiZ sonG, i need to repeAt it severAl timeZ:

todAy, i directlY and indirectlY recommeNded 2 friendZ to listeN to thiZ sonG - hopinG theY wilL understAnd thAt lettinG go iz an essentiAl life skilL...

recentlY, me seemZ to be shRouded bY sAdnezz and stillnezZ and negAtivity. or mAybe not onlY recentlY? LOL~ @ leAzt i cAn stilL lAugh @ myseLf~

welL - @ leAzt i finAlly attAined my plAzmid cloNe.....afteR screeninG hundredzzzzZ of colonieZ...i nAme thiZ one not onlY a HOT shiT but the HOTTEZT SHIT.

gosH, deAdline'z reAlly neAr - need to reAlly stArt workinG.

argH - i need to hAlt my onliNe retAil'Z fuN and therApeutic but it costZ too mucH...

and....hoPe tomorrow'Z hAircut wilL be awesoMe...shouLd i keeP my frinGe?



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