Friday, May 25, 2007

solitAry dAy (7tH mAy 2007)

hmM, thiZ entrY shouLd be bAckdated to 7tH mAy.....where i spenT a dAy with myseLf....unwindinG afteR the exAmz.

spenT the whoLe dAy at viVocitY, kicKstarted my dAy with a moVie at the 10+am sloT! luncHed...wAlked arouNd to buY giftZ..wAlked around moRe....hAd lunch-neR @ the hAwker of Harbourfront interchAnge...the verY nice oysteR egg and sugAr cAne juice rocK!!! and theN proceeded onTo ecP for a roAm in the seAbreeze........and settLed at bedoK jettY. now....shotZ tAken throughouT the triP:

aTe thiZ sarawAk mee @ the viVo B1. it'Z a whoLe-shoP thingie...and thiZ iz their signboArd disH...soMe abaloNe wAnton prAwn mee whicH iz about 10 buckZ! hahAaa...felT liKe pAmpering myself after the montH-long exAm confiNement in my hosteL....the mee itseLf tastes the greAtest!

wenT to the rooftoP moderN pooL gArden and tooK a vieW of Sentosa...hAven't stepped on it for liKe....10 yrZ?

guezZ wHo???

theRe he iZ.....doing rotAting chiN-upZ aboVe the pooL....

cAn't helP feelinG dizgusTed by my felloW countrY mAtez.......i fouNd thiZ floAting on the viVo pooL....

mR. snoWman!!! noTe thAt i did not purposely skeW thiZ phoTo to sliM him dowN....he'Z mAde to be a thiN snowmAn.....perhApz it'z too hoT here in Singapore to hAve a roundY snowmAn....hahAaa...

theN @ ecP....i fouNd thiZ sAndcastle dizplAy!!!! so nice....

wondeRing the purpose of hAving the sAndcastle dizplAy? juZ reAd the aboVe....

a dAy vieW of bedoK jettY...

thinK i posTed thiZ before? checK severAl entrieZ before thiZ...

a vieW froM wheRe i sAt and tAlked to the seA, and myseLf....along bedoK jettY. hmM, i'M not crAzy yeT.....juZ performinG some kindA self-actuAlization...

a dusK vieW of bedoK jettY!!

all rightZ, the moVie i cAught on 7tH mAy @ viVo iz the sxgN, theN spideY 3 on 9tH mAy @ cineleisuRe...gottA trY to posT soMe commentZ on theM before my thoughtZ on movieZ overwhelM....cuZ i'lL be cAtching pirAtez of the cArribean 3 cominG tueZ @ cineleisuRe too!!

beinG aliVe iz enougH to mAke anyoNe smiLe @ hiM/heRself...

nAcreouz cLoud...

excerpT from mY preV. entrY...

a refiNement of my preV. sighting of a rAinbow'Z actuAlly cAlled a nAcreouz cLoud. i thinK Google'z definitioN (froM wikipediA) iz still the mosT detAiiled:

"Nacreous clouds are clouds that form in the stratosphere. Due to their high altitude and the curvature of the surface of the Earth, these clouds may receive sunlight below the horizon and reflect them to the ground, shining brightly well before dawn or after dusk. They are most frequently found near the poles, though they can also form downwind of mountains due to the wave motion created by prevailing winds rising up over the mountain."

nAcreouz cLoudz are also cAlled "mother-of-the-pearl" cLoudz...and theY are mAde up of ice-cryztAlz...or supeR-cooled wAter dropletz!!!!!'Z reAlly rAre to see a piece of nAcreouz cLoud!!!! ^O^

feelinG rAre...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

a rAinbow cLoud!!!!

tAken on 240507

all cAm'z not a very good cAm...heNce i couLdn't zooM in mucH........but if you looK cArefully, there'Z a pAtch of rAinbow in the middLe of the cloudZ!!! totAlly beAutiful when i wAz lookinG at it yezteR-afternooN....wisH i hAve a brilliAnt cAmera thougH....i will hAve one in futuRe!!

tAken on 240507

soMe cloudY knowledGe i gAined froM thiZ wonderfuL booK on cloudZ i receiVed from Daisy, Felicity, and Holly!! They queried at Kinokuniya for it......gottA tAke some photoZ of the booK and put on an entrY!!! the aboVe phoTo, the upper pArt shows a pAtch of blurrY cloudZ without an obviouZ edge, whereas the loweR pArt showZ obvious Cumulus clouds, with clear outlines. Clouds are made of water and ice crystalz...and the lAtter will have no obvious edge!!!

tAken on 210507

doesn'T thiZ one juZ looK like a biG isolAted heArt? ^o^

proudlY presenTed by a membeR of The Cloud Appreciation Society...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

3 hospitAlingz in 13 dAyz...

hospitAling = going to the hospitAl...

oN mAy 7th...the dAy which i returNed to lAb to continue my urecA....i opeNed the office dooR eArly about 9am...with the sighT of a teAring agathA (a master'Z studenT in mY lAb).....thoughT she wAz cryinG....but reAlized she hAd a very sore righT eye, heNce i volunteered to accompAny her to the National Eye Centre...which iz @ SGH:

SNEC - the plAce where i meT the very professionAl and stunninG looking Dr. Tina Wong. az an eye speciAlist....she strictly advises NO contAct lenses for anyone...i'M glAd agathA'z fine now...and i enjoYed servinG as her Personal Assistant tending heR wAllet, mAking pAymentz....leAding her the wAy wheN she cAn't open her eyez....etc...^o^

theN...on mAy 13th afternooN, i zooMed from my lAb to the KK be with my deArest zikziK to tide through her mozt vulnerAble moment......zikziK we all loVe you and we will be here witH you alwAyz...!!! todAy i boughT her a CD from Sembawang.....the onlY CD in the whoLe shop thAt plAyz soothinG pure nAture rAinforest recordingZ.....birdZ chirpinG...the streAmz flowinG.......the wAterfall pourinG....monkeyZ cAlling out....insectZ humminG...i hoPe theZe soundZ of nAture wilL cAlm dowN the mind of my zikziK.....*prAy*
KKH iz juZ around Novena MRT...

and theN yezterdAy...20tH mAy...i rusHed from zikziK'z plAce in Sengkang to SGH agAin in the evening to visit Vicvic....he cAlled me @ 9+am to inform me about his hospitAlisation...theN luckilY he manAged to chAnge ward from clAss ? to clAss B bY 3+pm...? where it iz air-conditioNed and hAz a personAl tV~ he juZ returNed from hiZ kindA annuAl KL triP with hiz pArentz...and hAz intermittent feveR........i seriouzlY prAy it'z not Dengue.................i didn'T wAnt to buy cliche flowerz or fruitZ....heNce i boughT a uzefuL cuP coveR from Action iZ adorAble and prActical!
thiZ iz the fascade buildinG of SGH...not the building for the wArdz obviouzly........Vic'z muM waz alreAdy with hiM wheN i arriVed...and she referred to me as "Wong Zai"...meaning the "Wong Boy"...^o^
i truthfullY prAY for the welL-being of alL the people closest to me, botH in lAb, fAmily, and friendZ........whicH are all the aspectZ of mY tinY sociAl life circLe......
mAy all sentient beingZ be welL and hAppy...alwAyz...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

yeZ...we are all livinG mirAclez...

visiTed ECP (eAst eoAst pArk) some tiMe lAst week...and dizcovered thiZ new instAllment along bedoK jettY.....:

it'Z actuAlly a "life floAt" holder, and the floAt'z supposed to be hung on it, and a thicK roPe tied to the floAt and spuN round the wheeL-like objecT az seeN above....

yeZ, a floAt can sAve a life...and a sAved life iz a mirAcle.

howeveR, if you ponder deeplY.......eAch and everyone of uz are livinG mirAclez!!!!

bAck to abit of humAn physiologY......the unity of the sperM and the egg iz liKe one in severAl countlezZ millionZ.....considerinG both temporAl and spAtial fActors, the unioN iz a mirAcle....

pluZ the mirAculouz implAntation onto the cushionY uteriNe wAll...the positioN hAz to be approriAte for the bAby to houze there for 9 monthZ.......

and to surviVe 9 fulL monthZ of pregnAncy withiN our mum'Z wombz......stAying sAfe til birtH.....iz another mirAcle...

to be abLe to stAy alive and not be infected with all sorts of diseAses.....iz one more mirAcle...

to be typinG thiZ..........whiLe i'M breAthing well.....iz yeT one more mirAcle....

life iz preciouZ and iz a mirAcle...plZ treAsure your'z.....................


Monday, May 07, 2007

glAd to juZ be aliVe...

tAken on the SBS skybridGe...070507

all righTz!!! hahAaa....finAlly got to sit dowN and bloG some...

exAmz for my yeAr 3 seM 2 wAz accomplisHed...about 5 dAyz aGo!!!

all i couLd sAy wAz...i bliVe i reAlly should hAve worked lotz hArder...hahAaa...thiZ iz the usuAl feel.....

howeveR, thiZ seM wAz reAlly speciAl cuZ i reAlly spenT 1sT hAlf of it doing lotzA lAbwork....lAb commitment due to urecA wAz heAvy cuZ of the poster i hAd to submiT....woW i aM so glAd i manAged to produce something for thAt...hahAa...and i'M glAd to prActise on cell culturing skillZ too....!!!

excitinG and tougH....and i prAy for everythinG to be juZ fiNe........*prAy*

and...i'Ve managed to get 3 dAyz relAx....before returninG to lAb for urecA~ ^o^

creAmy'z still hAving i cAn't ktV with her....aHhhhhh...................i mizZ creAmy, crApping with creAmy, and duetinG with creAmy!!

to summArize the 3 dAyz...i roAmed around solitArily at Vivo and ecP....and triMmed my hAir @ Keno'z...and celebrAted zikziK'z bdAy @ centurY sQ...some nice Organic Restaurant...and celebrAted mother'z dAy....theN tempLed with pArentz too! shAll bloG on the movie wAtched sooN...

and spenT my 4tH off dAy helping out at sbS'z recruitment az a Professor Helper.........and eArned S$63.00! hahAaa.......greAt job~ lessoN tiMe during exAm....plAce your bAg at somewhere sAfe from the rAin!!!!!! looK....i hAd to lAy out everything in mY bAg to drY after my 1sT pharmacologY pAper....hahAa.....funnY but kindA duH.....
