solitAry dAy (7tH mAy 2007)
spenT the whoLe dAy at viVocitY, kicKstarted my dAy with a moVie at the 10+am sloT! luncHed...wAlked arouNd to buY giftZ..wAlked around moRe....hAd lunch-neR @ the hAwker of Harbourfront interchAnge...the verY nice oysteR egg and sugAr cAne juice rocK!!! and theN proceeded onTo ecP for a roAm in the seAbreeze........and settLed at bedoK jettY. now....shotZ tAken throughouT the triP:
aTe thiZ sarawAk mee @ the viVo B1. it'Z a whoLe-shoP thingie...and thiZ iz their signboArd disH...soMe abaloNe wAnton prAwn mee whicH iz about 10 buckZ! hahAaa...felT liKe pAmpering myself after the montH-long exAm confiNement in my hosteL....the mee itseLf tastes the greAtest!
wenT to the rooftoP moderN pooL gArden and tooK a vieW of Sentosa...hAven't stepped on it for liKe....10 yrZ?
guezZ wHo???
theRe he iZ.....doing rotAting chiN-upZ aboVe the pooL....
cAn't helP feelinG dizgusTed by my felloW countrY mAtez.......i fouNd thiZ floAting on the viVo pooL....
mR. snoWman!!! noTe thAt i did not purposely skeW thiZ phoTo to sliM him dowN....he'Z mAde to be a thiN snowmAn.....perhApz it'z too hoT here in Singapore to hAve a roundY snowmAn....hahAaa...
theN @ ecP....i fouNd thiZ sAndcastle dizplAy!!!! so nice....
wondeRing the purpose of hAving the sAndcastle dizplAy? juZ reAd the aboVe....
a dAy vieW of bedoK jettY...
thinK i posTed thiZ before? checK severAl entrieZ before thiZ...
a vieW froM wheRe i sAt and tAlked to the seA, and myseLf....along bedoK jettY. hmM, i'M not crAzy yeT.....juZ performinG some kindA self-actuAlization...
a dusK vieW of bedoK jettY!!
all rightZ, the moVie i cAught on 7tH mAy @ viVo iz the sxgN, theN spideY 3 on 9tH mAy @ cineleisuRe...gottA trY to posT soMe commentZ on theM before my thoughtZ on movieZ overwhelM....cuZ i'lL be cAtching pirAtez of the cArribean 3 cominG tueZ @ cineleisuRe too!!
beinG aliVe iz enougH to mAke anyoNe smiLe @ hiM/heRself...