Thursday, May 24, 2007

a rAinbow cLoud!!!!

tAken on 240507

all cAm'z not a very good cAm...heNce i couLdn't zooM in mucH........but if you looK cArefully, there'Z a pAtch of rAinbow in the middLe of the cloudZ!!! totAlly beAutiful when i wAz lookinG at it yezteR-afternooN....wisH i hAve a brilliAnt cAmera thougH....i will hAve one in futuRe!!

tAken on 240507

soMe cloudY knowledGe i gAined froM thiZ wonderfuL booK on cloudZ i receiVed from Daisy, Felicity, and Holly!! They queried at Kinokuniya for it......gottA tAke some photoZ of the booK and put on an entrY!!! the aboVe phoTo, the upper pArt shows a pAtch of blurrY cloudZ without an obviouZ edge, whereas the loweR pArt showZ obvious Cumulus clouds, with clear outlines. Clouds are made of water and ice crystalz...and the lAtter will have no obvious edge!!!

tAken on 210507

doesn'T thiZ one juZ looK like a biG isolAted heArt? ^o^

proudlY presenTed by a membeR of The Cloud Appreciation Society...


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