Friday, May 25, 2007

nAcreouz cLoud...

excerpT from mY preV. entrY...

a refiNement of my preV. sighting of a rAinbow'Z actuAlly cAlled a nAcreouz cLoud. i thinK Google'z definitioN (froM wikipediA) iz still the mosT detAiiled:

"Nacreous clouds are clouds that form in the stratosphere. Due to their high altitude and the curvature of the surface of the Earth, these clouds may receive sunlight below the horizon and reflect them to the ground, shining brightly well before dawn or after dusk. They are most frequently found near the poles, though they can also form downwind of mountains due to the wave motion created by prevailing winds rising up over the mountain."

nAcreouz cLoudz are also cAlled "mother-of-the-pearl" cLoudz...and theY are mAde up of ice-cryztAlz...or supeR-cooled wAter dropletz!!!!!'Z reAlly rAre to see a piece of nAcreouz cLoud!!!! ^O^

feelinG rAre...


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