Sunday, May 13, 2007

yeZ...we are all livinG mirAclez...

visiTed ECP (eAst eoAst pArk) some tiMe lAst week...and dizcovered thiZ new instAllment along bedoK jettY.....:

it'Z actuAlly a "life floAt" holder, and the floAt'z supposed to be hung on it, and a thicK roPe tied to the floAt and spuN round the wheeL-like objecT az seeN above....

yeZ, a floAt can sAve a life...and a sAved life iz a mirAcle.

howeveR, if you ponder deeplY.......eAch and everyone of uz are livinG mirAclez!!!!

bAck to abit of humAn physiologY......the unity of the sperM and the egg iz liKe one in severAl countlezZ millionZ.....considerinG both temporAl and spAtial fActors, the unioN iz a mirAcle....

pluZ the mirAculouz implAntation onto the cushionY uteriNe wAll...the positioN hAz to be approriAte for the bAby to houze there for 9 monthZ.......

and to surviVe 9 fulL monthZ of pregnAncy withiN our mum'Z wombz......stAying sAfe til birtH.....iz another mirAcle...

to be abLe to stAy alive and not be infected with all sorts of diseAses.....iz one more mirAcle...

to be typinG thiZ..........whiLe i'M breAthing well.....iz yeT one more mirAcle....

life iz preciouZ and iz a mirAcle...plZ treAsure your'z.....................



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