Sunday, May 20, 2007

3 hospitAlingz in 13 dAyz...

hospitAling = going to the hospitAl...

oN mAy 7th...the dAy which i returNed to lAb to continue my urecA....i opeNed the office dooR eArly about 9am...with the sighT of a teAring agathA (a master'Z studenT in mY lAb).....thoughT she wAz cryinG....but reAlized she hAd a very sore righT eye, heNce i volunteered to accompAny her to the National Eye Centre...which iz @ SGH:

SNEC - the plAce where i meT the very professionAl and stunninG looking Dr. Tina Wong. az an eye speciAlist....she strictly advises NO contAct lenses for anyone...i'M glAd agathA'z fine now...and i enjoYed servinG as her Personal Assistant tending heR wAllet, mAking pAymentz....leAding her the wAy wheN she cAn't open her eyez....etc...^o^

theN...on mAy 13th afternooN, i zooMed from my lAb to the KK be with my deArest zikziK to tide through her mozt vulnerAble moment......zikziK we all loVe you and we will be here witH you alwAyz...!!! todAy i boughT her a CD from Sembawang.....the onlY CD in the whoLe shop thAt plAyz soothinG pure nAture rAinforest recordingZ.....birdZ chirpinG...the streAmz flowinG.......the wAterfall pourinG....monkeyZ cAlling out....insectZ humminG...i hoPe theZe soundZ of nAture wilL cAlm dowN the mind of my zikziK.....*prAy*
KKH iz juZ around Novena MRT...

and theN yezterdAy...20tH mAy...i rusHed from zikziK'z plAce in Sengkang to SGH agAin in the evening to visit Vicvic....he cAlled me @ 9+am to inform me about his hospitAlisation...theN luckilY he manAged to chAnge ward from clAss ? to clAss B bY 3+pm...? where it iz air-conditioNed and hAz a personAl tV~ he juZ returNed from hiZ kindA annuAl KL triP with hiz pArentz...and hAz intermittent feveR........i seriouzlY prAy it'z not Dengue.................i didn'T wAnt to buy cliche flowerz or fruitZ....heNce i boughT a uzefuL cuP coveR from Action iZ adorAble and prActical!
thiZ iz the fascade buildinG of SGH...not the building for the wArdz obviouzly........Vic'z muM waz alreAdy with hiM wheN i arriVed...and she referred to me as "Wong Zai"...meaning the "Wong Boy"...^o^
i truthfullY prAY for the welL-being of alL the people closest to me, botH in lAb, fAmily, and friendZ........whicH are all the aspectZ of mY tinY sociAl life circLe......
mAy all sentient beingZ be welL and hAppy...alwAyz...


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