Friday, November 30, 2007

mY finAlezt undergrAd exAmz~~~

mY nAilz...untrimMed for ~1 mtH!! hahAaaa....

all righTz, abt 3 yrZ aGo...i tooK mY 1sT undergrAd exAm in NTU...thAt wAz in yeAr 1 seM one...fiVe noV pAperz...

noW...after 3 yrZ....i tooK my finAlezt undergrAd exAm in NTU!!! yeAr 4 seM one...fiVe noV pAperz toO!! hahAaa....

tiMe flieZ........yuP, it sure doeZ.

gonnA be buzY from noW on:

nexT 2 weekZ --> entrepreneurshiP courZe...BS402.
nexT 0.5 yeAr --> finAl yeAr projecT~~~

for BS402....juZ gottA go througH it, i hoPe i will not be in the sAme grouP az thAt unworthY persoN i put on trAnzparent mode, hahAaa..

for fyP....yAy!! i will be bAck with the hAppy prof. koH'z lAb~ ^o^

meAnwhile, the to-doZ:

1. trim nAilz...
2. triM hAir...gottA be spikieR. ;P
3. settLe postgrAd applicAtionz...
4. fiNd tiMe for kboxinG.....aaaaaH i reAlly need to sinG!!!!!!!!! creAmy where are you?? royAl singerZ where are you???? mAybe i should go aloNe agAin...hahAaa.....
5. fiNd time to meeT aztRo gAng...and some friendZ? do i hAve?!
6. visiT tempLe...
7. visiT bedoK jettY....i need to chAt with the seA and the breeZe....
8. booK gRe?

wondeR if i will fiNd time for all the aboVe....but the beloW iz worthY of lookinG forwArd to..:

1. some privAte celebrAtion of a hAppy evenT with a grouP of hAppy friendZ cominG mondAy eveninG...
2. prof. koH'z bdAy dinneR in mid dec...
3. christmAz celebrAtion!!!!
4. lAb life durinG fyP!!!
5. new yeAr celebrAtion!!!!
6. shoppinG?! hahAa....i wannA buY blAck pAntz for cnY...
7. cloudinG!!!!
8. Dhamma Camp....wonder if i will hAve time to joiN in....
9. meetinG with A*Star exec. directoR in mid dec....wonder whAt'z uP?

well welL...for christmAz and new yeAr...usuAlly i spend it witH my astro gAng...wondeR if they will orgAnize like prev yeArz...heH.

and oh yAh, i leArnt a new word from'z "Christmasy" adjectiVe to dezcribe anything relAted to Christmas. hahAaa.....

keep smilinG...*prAy*

Friday, November 16, 2007

melindA gordoN...

yeZ, she iz melindA gordoN...

not juZ a gorgeouZ womAn you have around towN, becuZ she iz the ghosT whiZperer...

it'Z a mirAcle how i got to enjoY the fulL 1-hR (all rightZ, 59miN?) of the finAle of my currenT fAvourite show on tV juZ now......

@ leAzt now we know thAt melindA mAy hAve a brotheR, and intuitivelY, he should be gAbriel...who hAz the sAme gifT az heR, but uses it to strengtheN the dArk side....

whiLe melindA hAz to "mAintain the balAnce"...and crozZ soulZ into the lighT.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

a hiztoricAl SBS, NTU.

~3.5 yeArz ago, i atteNded my 1sT ever lecture in an undergrAduate...

todAy, ~3.5 yeArz lAter....i atteNded my supposedlY lAst lecture eveR in an undergrAduate....

i thinK my 1sT lecture wAz by Prof. Alex Law.....BS101, moderN biologY....thAt waz in LT20 (Lecture Theatre 20) i thinK....

todAy, my lAst lecture wAz by Prof. Zbynek....BS407, current topicZ in geneticZ~ in CR1 (Class Room 1)...withiN the home grouNd of SBS buildinG...

i actuAlly tooK a shorT vid of the lectuRe usinG my w610i.....shAll uploAd it onto youtube theN posT it here after my upcominG exAmz...

sucH a hiztoricAl be remembeRed.

lAst lAp liAo...gonnA bi4 guAn1 xIu1 liAn4...*prAy*
illZ...^.^ ^o^ ^O^

《I Love You》bY 陈伟联

it'Z alwAyz difficult for me to liKe any new Mandarin sonG...

besideZ the voiceZ of fAye and kiT, usuAlly i listeN to englisH songZ...pluZ they hAve kindA "retiRed"...

moreoveR, now i'Ve turNed to like russiAn music...bY vitAz...

howeveR, voice cAught my attentioN.

yeZ, the brAve singAporean singeR, 陈伟联......brAve cuZ he'z bliNd, yeT the pAssion withiN hiZ voice burnZ into youR heArt....@ leAst mine.

trusT me, you will be cAught by thiZ song too:

it'Z a sAd song about not sAying "i loVe you" to someone you loVe...yeT giving awAy thAt someone betteR....and stilL persistinG thAt loVely feeling for thAt someone. greAt voice....thinK hiZ key iz too higH for me, hahAaa...shAll "screecH" on thiZ song on my next ktV sessioN....;P


Friday, November 02, 2007

fAted to see wiLd boArz..!!

i juZ sAw a fAmily of wiLd boArz ruN acrozz the asphAlt roAd!!!

in the urbAn singApore...somemore in NTU cAmpuz (mY schooL), how iz thiZ possible??

oK....juZ now, my lessoN ended eArly, and i zooMed to the secluded acAdemic office to collecT my trAnscriptz....and since it'z neAr to cAnteen 2, i decided to droP bY to luncH on my fAvourite honG-shAo-dou-fu-fAn (red and hoT beAncurd rice), still the sAme greAt tAste...but v v v fillinG!

thereafteR, i wenT to the bus stoP, which hAz both 179 and our owN NTU "fRee" buz...before i reAched, i sAw the "fRee" shuttle buZ!! didn'T wisH to ruN for it...but welL, thoughT of tryinG it siNce i'Ve alreAdy pAid for i rAn for it.

couLd hAve wAited for mAximise my concessioN, but welL...

theN i reAlized the shuttle bus will go a big rouNd around the hozteL areA before reAching cAnteen A bridge! duH....wAzte my time...but it wAz nice to see the hosteL blocK i uzed to stAy @....i mizZ blK 54!! old hozteL hAz thiZ lArge forest opposiTe.....

the buZ suddenlY moVed @ like 1cm/sec...and the uncLe wAz like telling uz there'z thiZ motheR boAr bringing her childreN boArz acrozZ the roAd..bAck to the forest....

i quicklY peeKed and i reAlly sAw severAl boAry shAdows skadoolinG acrozZ the streeT!!! whAt an experieNce...felT liKe i'M a tourisT on a dAy sAfari bus...

isn'T it fAted for me to ruN for the buS, then sit @ the fronT areA of the buZ, along the aisLe.....theN see the boArs?

fAte - inexplicAbly fAscinating.