Friday, November 02, 2007

fAted to see wiLd boArz..!!

i juZ sAw a fAmily of wiLd boArz ruN acrozz the asphAlt roAd!!!

in the urbAn singApore...somemore in NTU cAmpuz (mY schooL), how iz thiZ possible??

oK....juZ now, my lessoN ended eArly, and i zooMed to the secluded acAdemic office to collecT my trAnscriptz....and since it'z neAr to cAnteen 2, i decided to droP bY to luncH on my fAvourite honG-shAo-dou-fu-fAn (red and hoT beAncurd rice), still the sAme greAt tAste...but v v v fillinG!

thereafteR, i wenT to the bus stoP, which hAz both 179 and our owN NTU "fRee" buz...before i reAched, i sAw the "fRee" shuttle buZ!! didn'T wisH to ruN for it...but welL, thoughT of tryinG it siNce i'Ve alreAdy pAid for i rAn for it.

couLd hAve wAited for mAximise my concessioN, but welL...

theN i reAlized the shuttle bus will go a big rouNd around the hozteL areA before reAching cAnteen A bridge! duH....wAzte my time...but it wAz nice to see the hosteL blocK i uzed to stAy @....i mizZ blK 54!! old hozteL hAz thiZ lArge forest opposiTe.....

the buZ suddenlY moVed @ like 1cm/sec...and the uncLe wAz like telling uz there'z thiZ motheR boAr bringing her childreN boArz acrozZ the roAd..bAck to the forest....

i quicklY peeKed and i reAlly sAw severAl boAry shAdows skadoolinG acrozZ the streeT!!! whAt an experieNce...felT liKe i'M a tourisT on a dAy sAfari bus...

isn'T it fAted for me to ruN for the buS, then sit @ the fronT areA of the buZ, along the aisLe.....theN see the boArs?

fAte - inexplicAbly fAscinating.


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