Friday, November 16, 2007

melindA gordoN...

yeZ, she iz melindA gordoN...

not juZ a gorgeouZ womAn you have around towN, becuZ she iz the ghosT whiZperer...

it'Z a mirAcle how i got to enjoY the fulL 1-hR (all rightZ, 59miN?) of the finAle of my currenT fAvourite show on tV juZ now......

@ leAzt now we know thAt melindA mAy hAve a brotheR, and intuitivelY, he should be gAbriel...who hAz the sAme gifT az heR, but uses it to strengtheN the dArk side....

whiLe melindA hAz to "mAintain the balAnce"...and crozZ soulZ into the lighT.



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