nothinG-to-do oNce agAin...
me worKed for only 3 weekz and 1 dAy...(2 dAyz insteAd, cuZ i took one day leAve) and eArned lezz thAn 1k! God....but i bliVe it'z all fAted. ;)
"the survey has come to an end...and we hAve to cut down on the manpoweR needed...*blAh*" thiz waz quote from the 1-day notificAtion of job termination...reAlly, me didn't expect it to be so eArly! but me kindA ok with thAt, 1st thing the job iz dAmn boring; 2nd not only us...but the night shift peopLe hAve been swepT clean also...since it'z an overhAul, i hAve nothing to sAy to them.
but i gottA blAst them on the pArt when they offered thiz job as a vacAtion job. my summeR holidAy begun on 1st mAy, while the initial dAte of commencement was 4th mAy. theY postpoNed it to 9th mAy, then to the 24th mAy, and finAlly to the 6th of June!! a triple postponement - FINE, me beARed with thAt. but hAve they ever wondered why Uni students yeArn for a holiday job instead of opting to go for internshipZ? that is strictly bcuZ we wanna eArn our school fees and dAily expenses!! and witH thiz joB, sAd to say........after deduction of the lunch money and the investment in some G2000 executive weAr, all i've got is merely 400+! God......well i'll be dAmned!
appArently, thiz job iz totAlly unfit to be tAken up by students who truly wAnted to sAve up their school fees.
besides, a couple of my closer colleaguez actuAlly rejected several other job offers to tAke up thiz DPO jobbie..whAT a wAste yeA? yeAh!
whAT i meAnt by internship iz where students get to be attached to commercial compAnies for some hAnds-on experience on their future cAreerz....and for Bio-sc students like me, we would be attAched to reseArch institutes to assist reseArchers in their scientific discoveriez! didn't apply for sucH attachments bcuZ they only offer 500 or 600 buckz of incentive...and me,
sillily thinking thAt the DPO job will offer me alot more, refused to apply for an internship! now me know me totAlly sunK into a quicksAnd and i'M almost drowning......duH!
why iz the reAL world so cruel? after you'Ve doNe your pArt, they juZ dumP you out of their wAy in an amicAble wAy...*sigH*
thiZ iz life....and we gottA leArn how to live througH it....
tAking the employer'z poinT of view, yuP, it'z not in the wrong cuZ they reAlly accomplished their survey...and thAt'z the end of their project...oK, it doesn'T need so mAny temp stAffz it'z correct to cut cost. BUT, i cAN't think of a sound reAson of touting thiz survey deadline to be august/septembeR?! ...and applied viA e-mAil directly to the Universities for temp staffz during their summer holidAY? isn't it cleAR thAt the dept. yeArned for some smArties for the temp job? isn't it eveN clearer thAt the apparent smArties will be led to think thAt they will be able to work through their holiday? but thingZ juZ ain't so!! *sigH*
and wheN asked upoN the choice of ppL to retrencH...they juZ said they did some internal assessment...hmM, i sensed how hArd they try to be friendly and aRe afrAid to hurt us....but i disbliVe thAt what the retrencHed bAtch do is substAndard...and mAybe the stone-deAd quiet office of their'z juZ cAn't stAnd lively gigglY chAtterz liKe us! hahAaa....mAybe me and my
working pAlz seem to be "plAying a fooL" too mucH...thougH we mAy seem like enjoying ourselves, but i assure thAt we are serious when doing the joB...juZ az serious az those who cAn sit there like a stone and dAre not eveN moVe much - duH!
furthermoRe, i think they wasted lotzA mAnpower.....they trAined my bAtch for 2 weeks and used us for only one week pluz - iz thAt weird or am i weird to think thAt it'z weird? liKe whAt i leArnt form huimiN - hello, got brAin???
i aM not sAd over the joB retrenchmenT...but me juZ sAd over the loss of my liVely pAlz...hahAa....
luKe, Shi Qi, Cindy, AdillAh, Huimin (wenT ACM with heR~), Huishi....tAke good cAre, and prAy thAt somedAy we will reAlly go mArina soutH to flY kite togetheR~~~ glAd thAT we actuAlly executed our first and lAst brinG-your-owN-luncH budget progrAmme...hahAaa...and the "indiAn" poker? so fuN!!
neverthelezZ, the inteNded msg for thiZ blog iz: keeN employerz who soughT uNi students viA the Uni should be responsible enough to ensure thAT they cAn worK throughout their full holidAy...otherwiZe, indicAte something thAt stAtes the durAtion they will be emploYed...if theY plAn well enougH, they hAndle specificAlly their vAriable mAnpower requirement.
for a prestigious stAt boArd like my prev. employer, the wArning msG togetheR with it'z e-mAil theN should be:
"For anyone who would like to work for only about 1 montH as a civil servAnt, and for anyone who loves to dress nicely and executively as if you are 30+, and also if you hAve a cAlm thinkinG mind to worK at citY hAll - apply noW!!!"
nothinG-to-do agAin...,