Monday, June 13, 2005

luncH in LJ...

wAz lunchinG lAst week with 3 workinG pAlz at the long joHn (LJ) outlet neAr peninsulA....

and it iz reAlly commendAble thAt biG orgAnisationz are employinG the mentAlly chAllenged peopLe....big orgAnisationz liKe stAt boardz...(like my depT), fAst food mAc and LJ etc.

yuP, mAybe thAt'z a form of chArity, and mAking uze of any avAilable human resouRce thAt we hAve.....but, HEY!!! if you chooze to emploY them, MAKE SURE they are well tAken cAre of!!

there wAz a girL who wAz such a cAze, working at the LJ outlet i went. and she wAz so fiercely bullied - verbAlly....and ill-treAted. she wAz scolded openlY...criticised openlY....asKed to position herseLf az if she waZ a non-livinG item rAther thAn a livinG humAn beinG!!!!

i then told my 3 pAlz....thAt we aRe reAlly very fortunAte to juZ be normAl.....and they got whAT i meAnt and nodded in silence....*sigH* i pitY her and i juZ wisH thAt everyone should leArn to respect anyoNe in a society........*sigH*

anywAy...somethinG lighter and funnier iz an indiAn fAst food restAurant cAlled "Komala'z" the bAzement of peninsulA plAza....luncHed there with also 3 pAlz lAst week and guezz thAt was the funniest luncH of the week.

i ordeRed thiz thing cAlled a bhuttAra *think spellinG iz liKe thAt* and it waz a huGe fried buN....which iz hollow....hahA....Aidillah took a pic of me with it but she hAsn't sent me yeT, will posT it up if i get it form her~ anywAy, luckilY i ordered thAt, the other 2 pAlz ordered some set meAl....with a yogurT rice?! which lookZ like porridge but not porridGe....hhahAaaa.....luKe didn't even compleTe hAlf of hiz meAl!! but he wAz friendlY enougH to sAy he'z kindA full....;P

lAter thAt dAy, we broughT the cupz of the restAurant bAck to the office....and tooK a grouP phoTo witH it! i wAz holding it like i waz advertisinG the restAurant.....wahhaAaa....but we decided if thAt pic waz used for advertisinG, the cAption would be "DON'T GO!!!" kekeKeke..........all right, if you hAppen to pAtronize it, order anything but the yogurT rice. ^O^

luncH time now!


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