Sunday, June 26, 2005

filliAl pietY

filliAl pietY

the pictuRe iz truly blurrY....tooK it at the ACM (Asian Civilisation Museum) on my vAtican wAz a separAte exhibit in the museuM...on some Chinese thingiez...

it'z abouT filliAl pietY:

it long as your pArentz are with you, you should neveR trAvel fAr, and if you should, your whereabouts should be knoWn.

thiZ remindz me of a cloZe pAl, who iz now studying in the stAtes. at leAst hiz pArentz know where he iz, and the rule as stAted above is followed...i hAve no ideA how he iz, but his return dAte seemz to be coded 8888 (which meAnz never returning wheN we code for absentee personnelz at the depT of stAtz).

he, who perpetuAlly clAimz he iz blessed....hmM.

mAy he be hAppy, alwAyz. ;)


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