Monday, June 13, 2005

embryoNic steM cellz...

wAz on buz 87 with zikziK 2 dAyz bAck....while she told me abouT the recenT court cAze of the undergrAd who threw her 5mtH old foetuz down the rubbisH chuTe!!

the locAl undergrAd underwent a DIY "still birtH"...or deAd birth at her 5th month of pregnAncy....and she wAz releAsed scot free with the verdict thAt a foetuZ iz NOT considered to be murdered becuZ it wAz only 5mthz old....

so the definition of a liVe birtH would be a foetuZ of at leAzt 7 mtHz old = premAture birtH.

therefoRe, the accused, by definitioN, iz not murdering a life, but considered to be throwing awAy trAsh! *think so lAh...plz correct me if wronG*

bAzed on thiz genuine cAze, i don'T see a point in hAving negAtive viewz when scientisT souRce for stem cellz from the extrA embryoz....which are to be dizcArded form the reproductiVe clinicz....

embryoniC stem cellz are pluripotent cellZ which cAn be fouNd in young embryoZ, and they have the potentiAl to develoP into whATever cell tyPe in a humAn body. strAngely, there hAve been persistenT ethicAl criticz agAinst the destroyAl of theze embryoZ to attAin stem cellz for reseArch. theze criticZ see the disassemblY of an embrYo az equivilant to murderinG a life - heY!!! then think about the 5mtH old foetuz....isn'T thAt an even "biggeR" life?

yeZ, an embrYo hAz the potentiAl to develoP into a bAby in about 9 mthz....but think upoN thiz, if the owneR hAz no intentioN of developing it, and eveN thought of dizcArding it, why not donAte it to the scientiSt for reseArch....which mAy leAd to a success in sAving mAnkind'z heAlth probz......get it? ; )

yuP, think thiz court cAze should be sufficienT to bAck up all stem cell reseArcherz....wAY to go! ^o^

prAy for reseArch succesS...


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