Sunday, June 26, 2005

the vAtican citY (ACM)

wenT to the Asian Civilisation Museum (ACM) with Huimin, a current colleague, who is sitting in my neighbouring cubicle! it was a Friday night....anyway, there's a fresH scAndal about us - Mr and Mrs Creamy~ judGed bazed on the creAmy colourZ that we both like to duH right?!

bAck to the exhibition, it waz a displAy of artefActz from the vAtican city, which i think is the plAce where all Christians would want to go for at leAst once in their livez for pilgrimage - juZ like how all muslims would love to visit some plAce at somewhere (in mAlaysia or the middle eAst) at leAst once in their livez for pilgrimAge.

me, being a buddhisT, was juZ curious about artefActz....and all i remembeR was how beAutiful the pAintingz are...reAd the displAy boardz but didn't reAlly understand mucH cuZ me not a christiAn.....despiTe grAduating from a christiAn secondAry schooL which offerz compulsory bibLe knowledge clAsses...hahAa...

also, i remembeR a ring worn by the poPe of roMe...whicH iz soo soo sooo huGe!!!! a goldeN ring...whicH muZ be so heAvy....and the ring hole muZ be at leAst 2.5cm in diAmeter...woW, mAybe europeAnz hAve big bodY sizes...judging from the poPe costumes displAyed too!!! stAred at them in aWe.....

furthermoRe, now i know...thAt Good Friday iz to commemorAte the crucifixioN of Jesus, and eAster iz to celebrAte the resurrectioN of Jesus....alwAyz thoughT it wAz the other wAy round~ hahAaa....but to me, they are juZ HolidAyz to enjoy~

afteR the wAz 9pM, and Huiin led the wAy to Chinatown for dinneR!! hAd pAstamania for luncH eArlier on and it wAz so filling thAt we still feel full, so we shAred cArrot cAke and tAng yuAn along the mei shI jie (good food streeT).

ah ah....before dinneR, and also before the museuM triP, we tooK a stroll along boAt quAy.....and the viewz were greAt!! tooK some picZ....and reALized thAT i will try my besT not to tAke picturez on the zooM function with my k700i...the pictuRe siZe iz so smAll!! the followinG are the onez whicH are biggeR~

clArke quAy eveninG

clArke quAy niTe


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