OMG i hAve so mucH to mucH so thAt i hAve trAveled 20000 mileZ acrozZ the gloBe to singApore and bAck to bAltimore....and if any one, yeA - any one iz tryinG to reAd and folloW my bloG....i hoPe you'Re not too losT witH my life....but agAin, az if any one cArez.......
i'lL juZ keeP imAgining there'Z an alieN somewheRe in anotheR plAnet who'Z interesTed in the life of a singAporean asiAn currentlY permAnently damAging hiZ heAd in the greAt lAnd of americA~
buT i need to sorT out all the photoZ i hAve befoRe i begiN on thAt....but befoRe thAt i hAve to settLe some lAb thinG whicH requireZ my immediAte attentioN....
BUT (ok too mAny butZ)...i so hAve to posT thiZ for noW:
perfecT dinneR: herbAl chickeN~!! abAlone~ rice~ red wine~ and aniMe + clAssic hongkonG showZ~zoominG in on our herbAl chickeN - yeZ a WHOLE chickeN~!!mY solitAry dinneR here iz usuAlly leftoveR pizzA/food froM meetingZ or juZ some simpLe noodle or sAndwich i mAke withiN minutezzZ....
untiL rongronG-chAn and me plAnned to mAke thiZ herbAl chickeN togetheR @ hiZ apArtment siNce he finAlly finisHed hiZ coRe courzeS....hmM, ok, hiZ plAn.......we'Re suppoZed to eAch cooK somethinG and he plAnned herbAl chickeN, whiLe i mAde shArkzfin and abAlone (all cAnned senT froM dhZ and conZ...LOL~) and broughT the goK4 zAi2 desserT az welL~
it wAz ouR 1sT tiMe tryinG to cooK a whoLe'Z juZ funnY hoW initiAlly he'Z the onlY one meddlinG witH thAt rAw chickeN....theN i hAd to joiN in the "fuN" to help hiM whicH i reAlly didn'T wisH to.....yiiii~!!
howeveR it wAz quiTe fun to deAl witH thAt whoLe chickeN tryinG to cleAn it (oK, i mAde hiM cleAn it...) and stuff in the herbZ.....and we "seAled" the chickeN witH thiZ red strinG froM hiZ rice wAz an imprompTu solutioN to prevenT the herbZ froM burztinG ouT~ LOL~!!
thereafteR....we cleAned up and dowNed bAileyz + he dowNed soMe mArtell i broughT + eislinG ice wine froM boordy'Z + plAyed lotZ witH bAby goldie and hiZ friendZ...he'Z simplY adorAble~!!!
..yeA, crApping witH kiAn menG on gchAt togetheR @ ~1aM?! LOL~ he muZ thinK we'Re crAzy......buT whAt iz "sAm pAt"?? hmpH....
and 蓉蓉-chAn betteR not uze my toothbrusH to cleAn hiz cAze i eveR uze it agAin~!! LOL~
thiZ iz one of my besT memorAble dinnerZ eveR - heRe.
cheerZ witH rongronG-chAn~