Thursday, March 18, 2010

a hAnd througH my mAil sloT - SCAREDEDED...

my houzemAte manAged to scAre the helL out of me.........

bcuZ i forbid smokinG in my houZe (yeA, i'M the houZe manAger yoZ)...mingliAng hAz to get out of the houZe to smoKe, and of all timeZ.....thiZ time he hAd to chooZe to smoKe whiLe i showeR.

so, we juZ chAnged a new dooR locK whicH he'Z not familiAr with yeT...thuZ he wAz locKed out. he kepT yellinG but of courZe i couLdn't heAr anythinG durinG my ktV-showeR sessioN right????? duH?

he sAid he knocKed az welL...and hAz alArmed our neighborZ and eveN our neighbor'Z dog stArted he STUPIDLY (yez, to me it'Z reAlly STUPID) plAced hiz hand/fingerZ througH the mAil sloT and kepT openinG and closinG the slot'Z coveR.......mAking thiZ scAry suspiciouZ metAl-abrAsion noiZe.

afteR i showeRed....i heArd thiZ "noiZe"....and i thought mingliAng'z in the kitcheN? az i wAlked past the mAin door....i sAw fingerZ pokinG througH the mAil sloT....and i shouTed in feAr~!!!!!!!


i do not liVe in a sAfe areA......and i thoughT someone wAz tryinG to breAk in....... ))))))):

it wAz an unforgettAble scAre.

i juZ don't understAnd whAt the helL wAz mingliAng thinkinG?!

FYI - he'Z a Ph.D..........

cAn't he juZ keep knockinG?! cAn't he juZ bring alonG hiZ phone?! cAn't he juZ bring along keyZ???? it'Z all commoN senZe......

and it'Z ultimAte commoN senZe thAt a hAnd pokinG througH the mAil sloT wilL scAre the helL out of anyone........



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