Monday, October 29, 2007

arT, or juZ bored?

drinkinG yAkult iz so heAlthy...and i usuAlly drink one bottLe per dAy.

afteR drinkinG it...recentlY, i am foNd of twistinG the bottLe around...hahAaa...shreddinG it..and convolutinG it into somethinG liKe the aboVe...

cAn you still recogniZe thAt it iz yAkult?

arttilY...or boredlY..

zikziK in indiA...

welL, my zikziK'z a teAcher...

and she led soMe studentZ to India for some sorT of an educAtional exchAnge progrAm...

a totAl of a weeK....

welL, i seldoM see her nowAdayz also....buT previouzlY i knoW she'z here in i trulY prAy for her to be sAfe and souNd.

i boughT thiZ key alArm...120 decibelz for her!!!

and lenT her my olympuZ cAmera too....

alSo, i heArd from yiweN thAt Levi'z jeAnz are hAlf price there!! buT even if hAlf price still priceY loH...not gonnA wheN will i ever owN a Levi'z? buT i think it'z not necessAry, it'z juZ a brAnd loH...duH.

hopefullY it will be a sAfe and fruitfuL triP for her.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

cuTe kuromI...?


all rightZ, my makmAk bought a cArdholder-poucH for me...thinK the dAy before yezterdAy, and she waz so exciTed when she presenTed it to me...:

the fronT vieW...well, i see pinK...

the reAr vieW...looK, it'z cAlled kuromI!!

hahAa...she workZ @ takashimayA...and there'z thiZ whole sectioN in the mAll that sellz very cuTe stuffz......

i'M juZ glAd she didn't buY the whole pinKish one witH helLo kittY i think...

all productZ are froM the helLo kittY compAny...thinK they're hAving an annuAl sAle.

anywAyz...abt 5 buckZ for thAt poucH ok...hahAa...

thAnkz makmaK...

Monday, October 22, 2007

curT Asp-Ala-Val-Glu-Tyr

hahAa....reAd the following announcemenT from my structurAl mentoR!!!!!

he'Z juZ so funnY...

oK, signinG off az hiZ dedicAted structurAlizt...

iz my toNe too hArsh...?

reAd the followinG and see if my toNe iz too hArsh....hahAa...

best regArdz...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

bS413 immunomicZ cA presentAtion...!!!

pheW...thiZ presentAtion waz accomplisHed last lAst thurZ...on the 11tH ocT.

luckilY i manAged to presenT it withouT a proper reheArsal...hahAaa...

i compleTed the slideZ on the morning of presentAtion, about 3+am...and the presentAtion wAz @ 830am...very rushY...cuZ i reAlly tooK the effort to reAd betweeN the lineZ...;P

for thiZ moduLe...eAch of uz (only ~32) are suppoZed to presenT on soLo..and thiZ soLo presentAtion iz 50% of our grAde!!!!! ^O^

i'M very luckY i did not fAll asleeP....and mizZed out completinG the slidez...hahAaa...i dAred not!!! ;P wAz a succezZ......littLe sleeP kindA temporarilY shuT dowN the sympAthetic nervouZ systeM...^O^

siNce the lAme gene in me iz permanentlY switcHed on...i alwAyz try to include lAme thingZ withiN the solemN scientific informAtion...:

stuArt littLe!!!!! an apT depictioN of cloze relAtionship betweeN mice and meN...;P

metAphorically...thiZ sAlezgirl iz a gene promoteR...

looK! now she'z sellinG geneZ...hahAaa...

bAck to the metAphor on being an ordinAry sAlezgirl...

noW thiZ iz a tycooN promoteR....^O^

i reAlly liKe the smiLe on thiZ bloNde girL...and she'z holdinG a white mouZe in her adorAble!

glAd all thingZ wenT smoothlY....i juZ creAted some more eveN lAmer slideZ for my upcominG celL biologY cA wilL be thiZ fridAy..!!!! ^O^

lAme geNe overexpressioN...

Friday, October 19, 2007

onlY foolZ looK dowN on otherZ...

welL i stepPed on a mine agAin...and it kindA sorrY......


yuP, i agRee thAt only foolZ look dowN on the otherz - any otheR....

and i'M sucH a childisH fooL in soMe wAyz...;P

i shouLd be more cAreful witH my wordZ....yuP, all the tiMe.

anywAyz....i feeL thAt some peopLe trulY deserVe some dizrespecT and lookinG dowN on....cuZ they are simplY C.M.I.=cAnnot mAke iT!! you knoW...? hmM...

hahAaa....perhAps i aM one of theM in soMe wAyz....soMetimez....buT of courZe there'Z alwAyz 2 sides to a coiN.

hmM....and i leArnt thAt i should not judGe anyone anyhoW....not eveN bAzed on whAtever i knoW of thAt persoN...cuZ it would be ludicrouzlY unfAir...yuP, i shAll not........i simplY knoW too little....

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

w.h.Y? bdAy browNie~~~

looK..!!! thiZ wAz my 24tH bdAy browNie..!!!! initiAlz were forMed by m&m'Z....compleTed with the appropriAte cAndle combinAtion...pluZ it'z the very nice browNie from the browNie fActory!!!!

*so toucHed*


Thursday, October 18, 2007

i feeL coLd and hungrY...

a printscreeN excerpT froM PyMOL...

gosH, right noW i'M stilL in my school'Z computeR lAb....finAlly compleTed thiZ CTI structurAl biologY assignmenT!!!

for the finAl suppoZed to exAmine the moleculeZ of COX1 and COX2 enzyMez, theN explAin the differeNce betweeN theiR active siteZ...witH differenT drugZ/inhibitorZ in plAce...

anywAy, i compleTed the vid recordinG lecT juZ now...sQueezed in a Virology presentAtion meetinG in betweeN...(thAnkz to Lisa=Xiao Mei for her helP to coveR my recording dutY) and choZe to stAy bAck and compleTe thiZ PyMOL thing, cuZ i reAlly wAnt to! thuZ i cAn visiT zikziK and prinT in coloR @ one go....heH~

recAlling the Virology meeting...i kindA lAid low....and hinTed successfullY for mY pArtner sallY for presentinG our pArt...hahAaaa....cuZ too busY, and the dAy of presentAtion overlApz witH my otheR Cell Biology presentAtion.....aiyA so mAny presentAtionz!!

az for ZY, well he couldn'T get away from presentinG cuZ hiZ partneR juZ isn't the kiNd whom you cAn supplicAte anythinG froM....heNce, i hoPe he'z oK with it....cuZ i toLd him we wil telL Alex not to present beforehAnd...theN in the end onlY i manAged not to presenT.....aiyAa....sigH.

anywAy, finAlly doNe with hungrY and coLd now...somemoRe weAring berMz.....luckilY i broughT a jAcket! me oughT to grAb a biTe froM the cAnteen...and hoPe there'll be soMe food lefT for me...

anywAy, i feeL thAt i'Ve growN plumP, aaargH, gottA controL my dieT!

who in the worLd would skiP dinneR and force oneseLf to compleTe PyMOL assignmentZ aloNe in the cold computeR lAb?

welL...illZ... ^o^

food...theN hoMe sweeT hoMe~~~

wondeR whAt'z for dinneR...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

boRed undergrAd - triP to NTU

tooK theZe vidZ on my typicAl borinG triP to NTU...

boRed undergrAd - triP to NTU I = girL sleepinG beside me on trAin!!!

boRed undergrAd - triP to NTU II = girL who slepT beside me on trAin!!!

boRed undergrAd - triP to NTU III = 179A buZ triP..!!!

boRed of the trAvelling...!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

24tH yeAr of mY Life...^O^

yez yeZ i am 24 liAo..!!! pheW....stilL cAn rouNd dowN to be 20 yeArz old...lAte teenAge yeArz...hahAa... ;P not reAlly into bdAy celebZ...the mAin reAson iz to sAve some i'M trApped in quiTe a impecuniouZ situAtion righT now...i meAn, all the my fAmily doez not actuAlly celeb bdAyz...not eveN the "eventfuL" 21st bdAyz...

me alSo not foNd of reveAling my bdAy unlezZ i feeL comfY with the compAnionz..^o^

heNce, i treAt bdAyz quite pAssively, and me, bdAyz should be remembeRed by thoZe who trulY cArez...i'M trulY hAppy thAt along the wAy, my bdAy wAz celebrAted bY peopLe who mAkez me hAppy~~~ ^O^

it all stArted with creAmy'z verY eArly bdAy treAt @ sofrA...remembeR thAt entrY? ;P

theN...alonG the wAy...the followinG shAll nArrate how my bdAy wAz celebrAted...:

a MOS burgeR treAt for myseLf! 10 buckZ for thiZ....and witH a $2/meAl budgeT, thiZ iz an extrAvagance...oNce in a bLue mooN...hahAaa...

thiZ iz an adidAz climAcool shirT froM my lovelY geNbeN astRo gAng!!!! woo Hoo~ the celebrAtion wAz @ hog'Z breAth....@ viVo.

the zebrA iz supposed to represenT me...hahAaa.....

thiZ iz a cArd from a grouP of very speciAl friendZ!!!!! cAn you fiNd "me"? my friendZ told me theY juZ couldn't fiNd a cArd feAturing koalAz....hahAa...okoK zebrAz are cuTe too, especiAlly the one squAtting and plAying with the anT with a twiG and weAring a bAckpack...eH, isn'T thAt "me"?

a bAg witH lotzA "kiiii guAaanzzz" (= secreT compArtmentz)!!! oH mY gosH...and thiZ wAz bundLed with a KFC feAzt!! i aTe 5 piecez of oripY (originAl + crispY) chickeNz and 0.5 tuB of coleslAw...thAnkz thAnkzzzZzz.....^O^

writteN bY the suN princezZ....

froM the suN'z supposed to be an interActive DVD....oH gosH, i so loVe preschooleR stuffZ.....and i'M so sAd bLue'z cLuez & the koalA brotherZ eNded on kidZ centrAl! duH....

oooH, and creAmy phoNed me on the actuAl dAy toO...sometiMe juZ before the clocK strucK 12...hahAa....

i'M trulY hAppy...thAnkz..!!! esP. wheN friendZ whoM i hAve not seeN for so lonG SMS-ed me a'Z the heArt thAt countZ.


hAppy 24tH..witH loVe!!!

i'lL be...acouzticAlly bY the dAmann twinZ

mY commenT on thiZ vid:

illZwhY (2 days ago)
oh mY, now i prefeR to listeN to you 2 sing insteAd of the originAl wheN will your albuM be ouT? ;)

yuP....i'lL be betteR wheN i'M oldeR....

i reAlly liKe theiR voicez...^o^

loVe in a sonG?

Monday, October 08, 2007

a hAppy orAngy dAy...!!!!!

todAy iz a hAppy orAngy dAy...!!

okokAi...i'M weAring my brighT orAnge uclA bermZ, cArrying a neW brighT orAnge-greY bAg i got froM the tempLe yezterdAy...and alSo cArrying my orAnge suN tAngle on my bAg too!!!!!!!

hAppy brighT and orAnge dAy to myseLf!!!!

totAlly orAnge and brighT and hAppy..!!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


the volcAnoe thAt'z dormAnt for so lonG haz recentlY erupTed!!!!!!!

i wAz an irAscible razcAlic chiLd....througH my younG yeArz being so temperAmental, and etc...

az i greW oldeR into the lAte 10z and eArly 20z...i'Ve toNed dowN and becoMe a dormAnt volcAnoe...

buT i don'T know whY i erupTed yezterdAy....over a triviAl pettY thing whicH sAddened me so so so mucH now...esp wheN i threw a tAntrum at my muM cuZ of thAt....i'Ve refuZed to communicAte for the 2nd dAy now. i knoW she'z sAd too, and i knoW i shouLd hAve reActed in a mucH better wAy. aaahhhHH!

thiZ iz the 2nd dAy of feeLing ultrA veXed juZ so unreAsonably sAd...

i reAlly need a kboX rooM to myseLf to screAm and shouT and sinG my wAy out of thiZ blAck hoLe i'M in noW.

buT i'Ve got no tiMe for thAt....gottA get bAck to thAt immunomicZ thingie i hAve to solVe reAl sooN.............

also...perhApz i need to meditAte in order to controL myseLf betteR....aaaHhhhHHHH!!!!!!!!

juZ wheN will i groW up, in eQ and fAmily-loVe sense, and stAy thAt wAy?

seriouzlY needinG to activAte the trAnscription fActor for my hAlcyon geNe.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

PyMOL on youtuBe!!!

wAz attendinG the bS409 CTI Structural Biology moduLe by Prof. Curt Davey yezterdAy afternooN....theN suddenlY hAd an urGe to recoRd hiZ PyMOL demonstrAtion and youtuBe it! you go:

the aboVe iz a typicAl structurAl demonstrAtion by Prof. Curt Davey....a reAlly humorouZ lectureR!!! he mAkez uz lAugh reAl hAppily....crAcking lAme jokeZ etc...i thinK our lAughter surelY showz how mucH we appreciAte hiM! ^o^

yezterdAy...he wAlked to the switcH to adjusT the lightinG in the lAb for uz...theN he kepT whistlinG "secretlY" inTo hiZ mic...and sAid "oh...whAt'z thAt souNd? oH it'z me.....oh no.." duH...hahAaa..hiZ fAmily iz trulY fortunAte. ;)

you rocK...!! the mAn in blAck = curT Asp-Ala-Val-Glu-Tyr... ^O^
