Sunday, October 21, 2007

bS413 immunomicZ cA presentAtion...!!!

pheW...thiZ presentAtion waz accomplisHed last lAst thurZ...on the 11tH ocT.

luckilY i manAged to presenT it withouT a proper reheArsal...hahAaa...

i compleTed the slideZ on the morning of presentAtion, about 3+am...and the presentAtion wAz @ 830am...very rushY...cuZ i reAlly tooK the effort to reAd betweeN the lineZ...;P

for thiZ moduLe...eAch of uz (only ~32) are suppoZed to presenT on soLo..and thiZ soLo presentAtion iz 50% of our grAde!!!!! ^O^

i'M very luckY i did not fAll asleeP....and mizZed out completinG the slidez...hahAaa...i dAred not!!! ;P wAz a succezZ......littLe sleeP kindA temporarilY shuT dowN the sympAthetic nervouZ systeM...^O^

siNce the lAme gene in me iz permanentlY switcHed on...i alwAyz try to include lAme thingZ withiN the solemN scientific informAtion...:

stuArt littLe!!!!! an apT depictioN of cloze relAtionship betweeN mice and meN...;P

metAphorically...thiZ sAlezgirl iz a gene promoteR...

looK! now she'z sellinG geneZ...hahAaa...

bAck to the metAphor on being an ordinAry sAlezgirl...

noW thiZ iz a tycooN promoteR....^O^

i reAlly liKe the smiLe on thiZ bloNde girL...and she'z holdinG a white mouZe in her adorAble!

glAd all thingZ wenT smoothlY....i juZ creAted some more eveN lAmer slideZ for my upcominG celL biologY cA wilL be thiZ fridAy..!!!! ^O^

lAme geNe overexpressioN...


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