Sunday, October 14, 2007

24tH yeAr of mY Life...^O^

yez yeZ i am 24 liAo..!!! pheW....stilL cAn rouNd dowN to be 20 yeArz old...lAte teenAge yeArz...hahAa... ;P not reAlly into bdAy celebZ...the mAin reAson iz to sAve some i'M trApped in quiTe a impecuniouZ situAtion righT now...i meAn, all the my fAmily doez not actuAlly celeb bdAyz...not eveN the "eventfuL" 21st bdAyz...

me alSo not foNd of reveAling my bdAy unlezZ i feeL comfY with the compAnionz..^o^

heNce, i treAt bdAyz quite pAssively, and me, bdAyz should be remembeRed by thoZe who trulY cArez...i'M trulY hAppy thAt along the wAy, my bdAy wAz celebrAted bY peopLe who mAkez me hAppy~~~ ^O^

it all stArted with creAmy'z verY eArly bdAy treAt @ sofrA...remembeR thAt entrY? ;P

theN...alonG the wAy...the followinG shAll nArrate how my bdAy wAz celebrAted...:

a MOS burgeR treAt for myseLf! 10 buckZ for thiZ....and witH a $2/meAl budgeT, thiZ iz an extrAvagance...oNce in a bLue mooN...hahAaa...

thiZ iz an adidAz climAcool shirT froM my lovelY geNbeN astRo gAng!!!! woo Hoo~ the celebrAtion wAz @ hog'Z breAth....@ viVo.

the zebrA iz supposed to represenT me...hahAaa.....

thiZ iz a cArd from a grouP of very speciAl friendZ!!!!! cAn you fiNd "me"? my friendZ told me theY juZ couldn't fiNd a cArd feAturing koalAz....hahAa...okoK zebrAz are cuTe too, especiAlly the one squAtting and plAying with the anT with a twiG and weAring a bAckpack...eH, isn'T thAt "me"?

a bAg witH lotzA "kiiii guAaanzzz" (= secreT compArtmentz)!!! oH mY gosH...and thiZ wAz bundLed with a KFC feAzt!! i aTe 5 piecez of oripY (originAl + crispY) chickeNz and 0.5 tuB of coleslAw...thAnkz thAnkzzzZzz.....^O^

writteN bY the suN princezZ....

froM the suN'z supposed to be an interActive DVD....oH gosH, i so loVe preschooleR stuffZ.....and i'M so sAd bLue'z cLuez & the koalA brotherZ eNded on kidZ centrAl! duH....

oooH, and creAmy phoNed me on the actuAl dAy toO...sometiMe juZ before the clocK strucK 12...hahAa....

i'M trulY hAppy...thAnkz..!!! esP. wheN friendZ whoM i hAve not seeN for so lonG SMS-ed me a'Z the heArt thAt countZ.


hAppy 24tH..witH loVe!!!


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