Sunday, October 07, 2007


the volcAnoe thAt'z dormAnt for so lonG haz recentlY erupTed!!!!!!!

i wAz an irAscible razcAlic chiLd....througH my younG yeArz being so temperAmental, and etc...

az i greW oldeR into the lAte 10z and eArly 20z...i'Ve toNed dowN and becoMe a dormAnt volcAnoe...

buT i don'T know whY i erupTed yezterdAy....over a triviAl pettY thing whicH sAddened me so so so mucH now...esp wheN i threw a tAntrum at my muM cuZ of thAt....i'Ve refuZed to communicAte for the 2nd dAy now. i knoW she'z sAd too, and i knoW i shouLd hAve reActed in a mucH better wAy. aaahhhHH!

thiZ iz the 2nd dAy of feeLing ultrA veXed juZ so unreAsonably sAd...

i reAlly need a kboX rooM to myseLf to screAm and shouT and sinG my wAy out of thiZ blAck hoLe i'M in noW.

buT i'Ve got no tiMe for thAt....gottA get bAck to thAt immunomicZ thingie i hAve to solVe reAl sooN.............

also...perhApz i need to meditAte in order to controL myseLf betteR....aaaHhhhHHHH!!!!!!!!

juZ wheN will i groW up, in eQ and fAmily-loVe sense, and stAy thAt wAy?

seriouzlY needinG to activAte the trAnscription fActor for my hAlcyon geNe.


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