Friday, February 24, 2006

brokebAck mountAin...

it wAz a friendshiP...

thAt becAme a secreT...

there are plAces we cAn't returN...

there aRe lies we hAve to telL...

there aRe truthZ we cAn't denY..

"i wisH i knew how to quiT you"


Monday, February 20, 2006

mY pApermate erAcer...!!!!

oH my gosH!!

looK...!!!!!!!! :

hahAaa right now i aM smilinG from eAr to eAr.....i am trulY so hAppy thAt i finAlly own a "pen erAser" agAin...hmM, specificAlly the "Papermate Eracer"!!!!

i remeMber losinG my originAl Papermate Eracer....wheN i dropped it during a lectuRe, theN it perisHed juZ within a fAst 2 hrz! thAT wAz maybe abt....1 mth+ bAck....and siNce then, i hAve been seArching all over Singapore...for anotheR Papermate Eracer. i looKed and asked all stAtionery shoPz i came across....theN i resorted to emailing Papermate company....they forwarded mY mAil from one countrY to anotheR, then to mAlaysia...and finAlly to the distributoR of Singapore. finAlly i manAged to cAll the locAl Papermate sAlez rep....sAdly she sAid it iz not mArketed in Singapore anymore...........thAt meAnz it iz locAlly extincT!!!! ;(

thiZ iz the phoTo i trAced from the officiAl Papermate websiTe....

afteR all thiZ trAcing...*felT like a stAtionery privAte investigAtor*...and afteR all the mirthZ from Adrian and Alex and ZS...i reAlised that it iz mArketed as "Papermate Eracer" instead of "Papermate Erase it" in the Asia Pacific Region. sigH....isn'T Singapore within the regioN? why did Papermate exclude Singapore? eveN the sAlez rep couldn'T answer me....

afteR dAyz of seArching....e-mailing....cAlling..........all thAt Singapore bkshoPz sell are OMNI....Pentel...some other weiRd brAndz....theN i finAlly dizcoveRed thAt one of my friends got accepted by SIA az an aiR stewardess at our KTV-mAjong sessioN! secreTly....i plAnned to ask her to get for me from whereveR in the worLd she would flY to....but she will begiN flying only in juNe.....*prepAred for the long wAit*

howeveR, remeM. my v nice classmAte who recentlY helPed me trAce my mini iomegA thumbdriVe, ZY?? he kneW i am looking for my deArest pApermate erAcer...he eveN asked me to e-mAil him the querY phoTo cuZ hiZ mum'Z friend deAls in the stAtionery businezZ....felT he wAz keeN to helP......theN, surprisinglY, he gAve me one todAy!!!! hahAaa! me feeL thAt thiZ iz a lovely presenT dropPed from the skY!!!!!!!!!!

wheN ZY msGed me juZ now....tellinG me abT showing me somethinG....v fAst one....i wAz curiouZ if it would be some nice phoToz/vidZ of fAiry geeGee...;P i agReed to meet hiM in the lobbY...anywAy i wAz fAlling asleep in lAb office...theN he pAssed me a bulginG whiTe enveloPe....and dA-duH!!!!!!!!!!! inside wAz thiZ yelloW Papermate Eracer!!!!

i cAnnot stop smilinG eveN until now....hahAaa....

ZY sAid he boughT it at thiZ v oooLooo littLe bkshoP ard beAuty worLd....and he sAid there iz anotheR liMe greeN one, onlY 2 lefT!!! he choSe the yelloW one whicH looKed nicer! greAt choice dude cuZ i condemNed greeN eveR siNce i left sAf....;P i wilL tAke greAt cAre of my neW yelloW bAby!! shAll i chAin it liKe my iomegA mini?? ^O^

i loVe my neW yelloW Papermate Eracer~!!!!!! ^o^

mAybe you would wonder why i aM so stubborN and mAddish over sucH simpLe stAtionery. i knoW why i am, it'Z cuZ i am sentimentAl towArdz whAt i owN.....especiAlly for the certAin stAtionery thAt i use.....some i owNed (and am stilL owninG) for a very lonG tiMe....siNce primAry school....thougH theY hAve aGed alot...abiT spoilT...scrAtched....fAded prinTz...or whAtever....i stilL uZe them....they aRe mY old silenT friendz...mAybe you will not understAnd....but i bliVe if you feeL sentimentAl towArdz anythinG around you, iT will reciprocAte how you feeL! i gottA be mAd to sAy eveN if iT iz scientificAlly defiNed az non-livinG! hmM, i am juZ ultrA focY lAh.....anywAyz, iT mAy not stAy with you.....liKe my losT blAck Papermate Eracer......but you will stilL remembeR it....liKe i do, siNce it hAz beeN with me siNce i wAz so so so younG....^o^

i hoPe my preV blAck pApermate erAcer is hAving a new owneR who treAsurez it liKe i tAke good cAre cuZ i losT you.....ok? plZ forgiVe me...... =.=

ah.........i am reAlly so so so hAppy!!! i loVe my neW yelloW Papermate Eracer~!!!!!!!!

thAnkz thAnkz greAt guy = ZY!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy....

Friday, February 17, 2006

ciA chArity concerT...

juZ returNed and showeRed after i attended thiZ 5-bucK chArity concert orgAnized by the nTu buddhisT societY!!

woW...i wAz overwhelmed by the greAt performAnces esp by Daniel and D-kidz!! the 2 little girlZ are juZ so adorAble!!!!!!!!!!! i reAlly love their "hiZ littLe gArden"..soundZ so puRe...

alSo....there waz a guesT appeArance by nicK sheN....sheN wei juN, a locAl celebritY. i loVed it wheN he sAng "loVe, me"....felT thAt he iz reAlly a v sincere persoN....and v kind cuZ he truly performz for the old folkZ....

there were guesT performAnces by some alumNi bAnd cAlled sunnY rAin...also a neW bAnd cAlled blAckforest...hahAaa....they were oK lAh, juZ thAt one of the seniors cAught my attentioN - Hong Yen - so he wAz the guy who wrote the meAningful "forgivenesS"...a song i leArnt in Dhammacamp05...

ok...ah! and i enjoYed the magic shoW by Jeremy Tan too...a 20-yr-old mAgician...nice performAnce.....reminds me of Adrian....who is v into mAgic stuffZ.....i hAve begAn to doubT magiciAnz.......mAYbe i am juZ thinking too mucH......

oK........think the cAffeine i tooK thiZ morn is wearing off.............siNce i only slepT like 1 hr+ due to the rushing of a lAb report lAst night.....thinK i am reAlly tired, juZ thAt moz of it iz covered by the cAffeine intook.

all righT....mAy all be well and hAppy~

Friday, February 10, 2006


i juZ returned from the celebrAtion of the NTU BS (Buddhist Society) 23rd anniversary...

cuZ i juZ couldn't let go of the unreAsonably pettY thoughts thiZ afternooN, i thought of seekinG a mini refuge to the Sangha.....cuZ i know thAt there'z gonnA be a short Dhamma tAlk by Venerable De Yuan (i thinK the name iz correct)....

hahAa....luckilY my instincT brought me to the right plAce!

i leArnt thAt the world does not owe me anythinG, and i should not expect everyone to liKe me, everyone to be fAir to me, and everyoNe to wait upon me.....i hAve to let go of my attachments...

wheN someone offerz me a drinK, and it'z teA, i should not sAy why isn't it coKe? i should be askinG is it drinkAble? i gottA live a simple life...

alSo, i thinK the best pArt is...:


the aboVe proze wAz our b-dAy present....meAning:

if it'z sunnY, loVe the suNshine....
if it rAinz, love the rAin...
if you'Re hAppy...enjoy the hAppiness...
if there'Z nothing to be hAppy about, still be hAppy about it!!

it iz alwAyz a mAtter of choice, do not chooZe what i wAnt but rejoice over whAt i hAve....

alSo, for anyone out there....:


which meAnz....:

don'T be afrAid...
don'T regreT....

juZ do whAt you want iT!!!!

noW i feel so mucH betteR mindfullY...and i gottA shower and cArry on with my schooL worK!!!!

^.^ ^o^ ^O^

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


i remeM Venerable Chun Hui said before during the Basic Buddhism course...that we should be mindful of ourselVes, or rAther try to be mindful about ourselVes at all time...

beinG mindful to oneself meAnz being conscious of wht your are truly experiencinG - botH mentAlly and physicAlly.

to mAke thiZ short, i supposed i prActised mentAl mindfulnezZ juZ about 15 min aGo.

remembeR the thumbdriVe incident i posted abt 15 min aGo..? i think, i was trulY agrY about Adrian, cuz he did not do much to help me or at leAst be serious about me finding my thumbdriVe. perhApz it'z cuZ i am always sucH a jokeR thAt he did not reAlise how serious i felT about thiZ issue.

duH, i put on my headphones and blasted fAye's "bu liu", i am even blAsting it while typing thiZ entry.

juZ now Adrian and Alex hinted thAt they know i am angry, and i simplY replied thAt the Buddha says not to be angrY but observe your feelings when you feeL like being angrY.

thinK, i thinK........i should juZ log out and find some plAce to be aloNe, should it be my hostel or "my" office in the lAb?

and i thinK...thAt i am so childisH to be angry over such minute issues. welL, i am stil childisH as i am.

anywAy, i think i suppressed and let go of my angeR well....hmM, should i even be angrY in the 1st plAce? waz i simply pissed off? or mAybe i wAz juZ confused too.


life goeZ on, i hope i can compleTe my report without asking helP from anyone (esp Adrian and Alex). i shAll try to understAnd my lecture noteZ on Infrared Spectroscopy 1st.

gonnA moVe on...

my grAtefulnezZ...!!!

woW, i felt so so so thAnkful.....after i received kind help from a very good classmate of mine.

see, we hAd a comp lAb practical thiZ morn, from 0930 to 1230.

righT after the prAc, i had to rush off for my meditAtion. i quicklY bidded goodbYe and off i wenT...

theN, we promised to meet uP bAck in the lAb to discuss our v difficult prActical....with hiM (ZY), Alex, and Adrian.

after my meditAtion and luncH, i zooMed bAck to the lab and resumed my seAt. howeveR, when i wanted to continue with my prAc, i reAlised i couldn't find my mini thumbdriVe!!!!

did i lose iT??? i prAyed not.....

i kepT telling Adrian, who sat on my left.....he asked me to seArch thoroughly....i tried to concentrAte my consciousnezZ and seArch for my thumbdrive with recAlling...but to no avAil....

then ZY (who sAt on my right) suggested trAcing back the route of eventZ..............which i alreAdy did, once. howeveR, thiz 2nd trAce will be different! cuZ ZY offered silently to trAce it with me, asking me relevAnt questionZ along the wAy.

initiAlly, i thought it would be a solitAry trAce like the 1st time....buT thiZ round, ZY cAme with me, from the lAb desk, to the dustbin which i threw my biscuiT wrApper.......when i seArched the dustbin, i nv thought anyone would actuAlly toucH the rubbisH inside. heNce, i merely tilted it fom side to side....but ZY reAched in for the paper cup! mY....*surprised* theN, i knew he was in for a thorougH seArch. anywAy, it was not in the cuP.

we returned to our seAtz.......with Alex and Adrian STILL solely concentrAting on their reportZ....without pursueing my losT thumbdriVe. do theY even cAre? hahAaa....duH!!

heNce, ZY and me continued the seArch. he suggested it could be in my pencilcAse and asked if i hAd poured it emptY? i sAid i looked into it....and didn't find. However, ZY emptied it for me! to verifY.....*good acT!!!* theN i kept recAlling...where could it be?

in the end...i reAlised the little zip poucH on my bAg, yuP!!! thAt'z where i usuAlly stuff little thingZ i hold in my hAnd.....i told ZY thAt could be the lAst plAce that i can possibly find it...............

i slowlY emptied it...and finAlly i recoveRed my mini thumbdriVe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

thiZ iz sucH a relieVe!!!!!!!!!!!! sucH a surprise!!!!!!!!!!! sucH an experience.....

ZY asked me to attAch it to some keychain or something....whicH i will!!!! the pAckage actuAlly cAme with a necklace and keychAin.....i will ok!!!

thAnkz thAnkz....i feel so thAnkful, if not i would hAve to redo all my reportz....

now i feeL thAt ZY is really a very good guY!!!! and his girlfriend (DN) is also a very nice girl!!! woW, looks like they are the friendliest and nicest coupLe i know on eArth so fAr. bAck to doing my prActical....^O^

mAy all be well and hAppy...