woW, i felt so so so thAnkful.....after i received kind help from a very good classmate of mine.
see, we hAd a comp lAb practical thiZ morn, from 0930 to 1230.
righT after the prAc, i had to rush off for my meditAtion. i quicklY bidded goodbYe and off i wenT...
theN, we promised to meet uP bAck in the lAb to discuss our v difficult prActical....with hiM (ZY), Alex, and Adrian.
after my meditAtion and luncH, i zooMed bAck to the lab and resumed my seAt. howeveR, when i wanted to continue with my prAc, i reAlised i couldn't find my mini thumbdriVe!!!!
did i lose iT??? i prAyed not.....
i kepT telling Adrian, who sat on my left.....he asked me to seArch thoroughly....i tried to concentrAte my consciousnezZ and seArch for my thumbdrive with recAlling...but to no avAil....
then ZY (who sAt on my right) suggested trAcing back the route of eventZ..............which i alreAdy did, once. howeveR, thiz 2nd trAce will be different! cuZ ZY offered silently to trAce it with me, asking me relevAnt questionZ along the wAy.
initiAlly, i thought it would be a solitAry trAce like the 1st time....buT thiZ round, ZY cAme with me, from the lAb desk, to the dustbin which i threw my biscuiT wrApper.......when i seArched the dustbin, i nv thought anyone would actuAlly toucH the rubbisH inside. heNce, i merely tilted it fom side to side....but ZY reAched in for the paper cup! mY....*surprised* theN, i knew he was in for a thorougH seArch. anywAy, it was not in the cuP.
we returned to our seAtz.......with Alex and Adrian STILL solely concentrAting on their reportZ....without pursueing my losT thumbdriVe. do theY even cAre? hahAaa....duH!!
heNce, ZY and me continued the seArch. he suggested it could be in my pencilcAse and asked if i hAd poured it emptY? i sAid i looked into it....and didn't find. However, ZY emptied it for me! to verifY.....*good acT!!!* theN i kept recAlling...where could it be?
in the end...i reAlised the little zip poucH on my bAg, yuP!!! thAt'z where i usuAlly stuff little thingZ i hold in my hAnd.....i told ZY thAt could be the lAst plAce that i can possibly find it...............
i slowlY emptied it...and finAlly i recoveRed my mini thumbdriVe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
thiZ iz sucH a relieVe!!!!!!!!!!!! sucH a surprise!!!!!!!!!!! sucH an experience.....
ZY asked me to attAch it to some keychain or something....whicH i will!!!! the pAckage actuAlly cAme with a necklace and keychAin.....i will ok!!!
thAnkz thAnkz....i feel so thAnkful, if not i would hAve to redo all my reportz....
now i feeL thAt ZY is really a very good guY!!!! and his girlfriend (DN) is also a very nice girl!!! woW, looks like they are the friendliest and nicest coupLe i know on eArth so fAr. bAck to doing my prActical....^O^
mAy all be well and hAppy...