Friday, February 10, 2006


i remeM Venerable Chun Hui said before during the Basic Buddhism course...that we should be mindful of ourselVes, or rAther try to be mindful about ourselVes at all time...

beinG mindful to oneself meAnz being conscious of wht your are truly experiencinG - botH mentAlly and physicAlly.

to mAke thiZ short, i supposed i prActised mentAl mindfulnezZ juZ about 15 min aGo.

remembeR the thumbdriVe incident i posted abt 15 min aGo..? i think, i was trulY agrY about Adrian, cuz he did not do much to help me or at leAst be serious about me finding my thumbdriVe. perhApz it'z cuZ i am always sucH a jokeR thAt he did not reAlise how serious i felT about thiZ issue.

duH, i put on my headphones and blasted fAye's "bu liu", i am even blAsting it while typing thiZ entry.

juZ now Adrian and Alex hinted thAt they know i am angry, and i simplY replied thAt the Buddha says not to be angrY but observe your feelings when you feeL like being angrY.

thinK, i thinK........i should juZ log out and find some plAce to be aloNe, should it be my hostel or "my" office in the lAb?

and i thinK...thAt i am so childisH to be angry over such minute issues. welL, i am stil childisH as i am.

anywAy, i think i suppressed and let go of my angeR well....hmM, should i even be angrY in the 1st plAce? waz i simply pissed off? or mAybe i wAz juZ confused too.


life goeZ on, i hope i can compleTe my report without asking helP from anyone (esp Adrian and Alex). i shAll try to understAnd my lecture noteZ on Infrared Spectroscopy 1st.

gonnA moVe on...


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