Thursday, September 30, 2010


the besT sonG to listeN to wheN the rAin iz continuouzlY pourinG...:


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

kizz kizZ fAll in loVe~ 2.999999999998~

the sun the suN iz cAlling~

Monday, September 27, 2010


Sunday, September 26, 2010

6 = 3.

OMFGosh i need my owN CAR~!!!!!!!!!!! hmpH myseLf~!!!!

wheN the fucK cAn i eveR affoRd my owN cAr comfortAbly???!

i dowannA stArve myseLf to feed a cAr.

hmpH my fuckinG depressiVe life~!!!!!!!!

seriouzlY reAlly, seriouzlY.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

me reAlized i'M noT good @ ironinG foR myseLf...

buT i mizZ ironinG...

wherefoRe arT...?


Friday, September 24, 2010



mAo'z lAzt dAncer~!!!!!!!
sofi'Z crepeZ~!!!!

wooT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

dimmY lighT bulB...

wAz @ woodberrY kitcheN....and i simplY loVe thiZ kindA diM lightbulB hAnging aboVe eAch tAble....

lAzing undeR the bulB...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

a smoKe shoW foR you froM frAzer mAc~

woW, i dropPed by frAzer'z myspAce pAge.....and i totAlly loVe the songZ he creAted.....

"smoKe shoW" and "foR you" iz ultrA nice~!!

he singZ verY welL...and most importAntly, he composeZ hiz owN songzzZ....kudoZ~!!!!

i bliVe he wilL be sigNed by soMe recoRd lAbel sooN~!!!



alL hAil to a lonesoMe mooncAke feztivAl~!!!!

eH wAit...actuAlly reunitinG witH my besT friendZ tonighT~!!! LOL~!!! <3


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Afrosclerosis might be a longterm complication of diabetes??? I rock as a T.A.~!!! LOL~!!!


Monday, September 20, 2010

hmpH...suddenlY wAnt a cAndle-lit trAditional pAper lAntern:

*sayAng my bunNie and eeyoRe - goeZ on... (-.-)

silicoNe + sAline + alcohoL + poizoN = injecT me bcuZ i'M the drunK freAk bitcH~!!!! 2.999999998~

Sunday, September 19, 2010

i don'T hAve the asiAn flusH (wheN the lightZ are off~!!!!)~!!!!!!! :P

tapAz teAtro - brewer'Z arT - red mAple - owL bAr - grAnd centrAl - mAx'z bAr - spiritZ taverN - alL in 1 nighT~!!!!! 2.99999999

Friday, September 17, 2010

junK dnA??? imprezZed.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

non-alcohoLic drinkZ mAke me sicK.

am i stupid or whAt?! :(

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

goldeN coAzt triP 2010

finAlly....i orgAnized my thousAndz of photoZ and uploAded ~400 mAinly foR my fAmily and friendZ to vieW:

pArt I:
pArt II:
pArt III:

mY fAvorite nAtural mAcro shoT:

shAll shoW mY fAmily the videoZ wheN i geT hoMe physicAlly...

alL thAnkz to jerrY.....the zs7 he recommeNded totAlly rockZ~!!!!


Monday, September 13, 2010

liMe greeN lAb tAsk chAir~!!!!!!!!!!

afteR chAnging to my windoW lAb seAt...i boughT thiZ:


水井坊 = 38% alcohoL = wooT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


we'Re goinG to the zoo zoo zoO~!!
hoW abouT you you you???
you cAn coMe too too toO~!!
we'Re goinG to the zoo zoo zoO~!!!


Saturday, September 11, 2010



mY heArt'z goNe coLd i'M wonderinG whY i....goT ouT of bed aT alL...
mY morninG teArz cLoud uP in mY heArt...
and i cAn't feeL aT alL...
eveN if i couLd it wouLd alL be pAin...
buT my bAby in my hAnd...
iT remindZ me thAt i'M not so sAd...
i'M not so sAd...



Friday, September 10, 2010

古井贡酒 = 55% alcohoL = wooT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Sudnay Fact~!!!

my morninG teArz clouD up in mY heArt, and i cAn't feeL @ alL...and eveN if i couLd it wouLd alL be pAin...

"stAn" - emineM, live feAturing eltoN johN @ the grAmmyz.

actuAl lyricZ shouLd be:

"my teArz goNe coLd i'M wonderinG whY i...goT ouT of bed @ alL...
the morninG rAin cloudZ uP my windoW...& i cAn't see @ alL...
and eveN if i couLd it wouLd alL be grAy...
buT youR pictuRe on mY wAll...
it remindZ me thAt it'z not so bAd...
it'Z not so bAd..."

i firsT heArd thiZ sonG durinG my junioR colleGe dAyz. gosH, wheN wAz 17 or 18? and i chAnged the lyricZ to suiT my thoughtZ theN.....i'M surpriZed i remembeRed theM and somehoW recAlled "stAn" whiLe listeninG to "loVe the wAy you lie" yezterdAy.....

18...hmM, remindZ me of the buncH of hoMewood hopkinZ freshmeN (who juz turNed 18) i meT @ mY 1sT eveR bAllroom dAncing clAzz.

huH....bellA juz gchAtted me to telL me not to listeN to emineM bcuZ he doezn'T suiT me. i........dizagRee.


Thursday, September 09, 2010

finAlly a doubLe windoW lAb spAce~!!!!

wheN i officiAlly joiNed my lAb 1 yeAr ago.....i wAnted a windoW seAt in the lAb. howeveR, juztiN wAnted the sAme seAt.......and a coiN fliP (whicH i wAz absenT) gAve thAt seAt awAy.

wAz stucK "floAting" in the middLe of the lAb for a yeAr...

finAlly, upoN grAce'z grAduation...i hAve propozed to moVe to her doubLe windoW lAb spAce~!!!!!!!

noW, botH my lAb spAce and bencH spAce are beside the windoW~~~

and i hAve chozeN a good dAte (todAy) to moVe bAzed on the ancienT chineZe cAlendar:

spenT ~5 greAt hourZ on the grAveyard shifT trAnzlocating me and grAce'z itemZ....buT it'Z totAlly wortH it~!!!!!!!!!

won'T be lonelY here bcuZ i wilL alwAyz hAve woodY, tsu'teY, and theiR friendZ righT by my windoW~~~ ;P


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

monsteR bAll wilL seT me fRee bcuZ i aM a freAk bitcH~!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

lAdy gagA concerT todAy~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 06, 2010

i wannA hAve seX.....on the squAre~!!!

froM the wesT coAzt to the eAzt coAzt = finAlly bAck hoMe~!!! ^o^

wenT on a 9-dAy triP to the southwesterN stAtez of U.S.A.:


tooK an averAge of 300+ photoZ and mAny vidZ per dAy....

finAlly hoMe @ bAltimore~

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

loVe cutZ

i wisH i'M in singApore to wAtch thiZ moVie:

"loVe cutZ" - moVie stArring zoe tAy

zoe'Z the besT and the genuinezT actrezZ of singApore...

furthermoRe, thiZ moVie stArz her - an ordinAry femAle who dizcoverZ she hAz breAzt cAncer.....whicH iz whAt i reseArch on~!!
