Thursday, September 09, 2010

finAlly a doubLe windoW lAb spAce~!!!!

wheN i officiAlly joiNed my lAb 1 yeAr ago.....i wAnted a windoW seAt in the lAb. howeveR, juztiN wAnted the sAme seAt.......and a coiN fliP (whicH i wAz absenT) gAve thAt seAt awAy.

wAz stucK "floAting" in the middLe of the lAb for a yeAr...

finAlly, upoN grAce'z grAduation...i hAve propozed to moVe to her doubLe windoW lAb spAce~!!!!!!!

noW, botH my lAb spAce and bencH spAce are beside the windoW~~~

and i hAve chozeN a good dAte (todAy) to moVe bAzed on the ancienT chineZe cAlendar:

spenT ~5 greAt hourZ on the grAveyard shifT trAnzlocating me and grAce'z itemZ....buT it'Z totAlly wortH it~!!!!!!!!!

won'T be lonelY here bcuZ i wilL alwAyz hAve woodY, tsu'teY, and theiR friendZ righT by my windoW~~~ ;P



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