Friday, September 10, 2010

my morninG teArz clouD up in mY heArt, and i cAn't feeL @ alL...and eveN if i couLd it wouLd alL be pAin...

"stAn" - emineM, live feAturing eltoN johN @ the grAmmyz.

actuAl lyricZ shouLd be:

"my teArz goNe coLd i'M wonderinG whY i...goT ouT of bed @ alL...
the morninG rAin cloudZ uP my windoW...& i cAn't see @ alL...
and eveN if i couLd it wouLd alL be grAy...
buT youR pictuRe on mY wAll...
it remindZ me thAt it'z not so bAd...
it'Z not so bAd..."

i firsT heArd thiZ sonG durinG my junioR colleGe dAyz. gosH, wheN wAz 17 or 18? and i chAnged the lyricZ to suiT my thoughtZ theN.....i'M surpriZed i remembeRed theM and somehoW recAlled "stAn" whiLe listeninG to "loVe the wAy you lie" yezterdAy.....

18...hmM, remindZ me of the buncH of hoMewood hopkinZ freshmeN (who juz turNed 18) i meT @ mY 1sT eveR bAllroom dAncing clAzz.

huH....bellA juz gchAtted me to telL me not to listeN to emineM bcuZ he doezn'T suiT me. i........dizagRee.



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