Sunday, May 04, 2008

tectoNic acNe outbreAk!!!

it all begAn with a blemisH on my right cheeK....which becAme a volcAno...

theN upoN its eruptioN...tectonic shiftZ resulted in mini volcAnoez arisinG on my chin...

theN az the tectonic plAtes rusH towArds eAch other...the eruptinG volcAno on my right cheeK hAz accompAnying volcAnoezzzZ emerging around it...

theN somehoW the tectoNic shiftinGz attAcked my foreheAd with 3 mini volcAnoes az well...

theN the skiN areA above my uppeR liP alSo kenA some eruptiVe mini volcAnoez......................

totAlly assymetRic = oH my gosH.

the pAst 2 weekZ hAve beeN totAl bloodsHed and puS-sHed...

too mucH to tolerAte, so i seeKed medicAl helP from my deArezt Dr. Ooi...

i wenT into hiZ rooM...he wAs looking at my recordz...and i sAid immediAtely: "Hi Doctor...I'm not flu....but please save me, save my acne outbreAk iz just terrible!!"

theN he looKed up at my fAce...and theZe are whAt he prezcriBed:

S$62.00....for all theZe acne cureZ...

gosH, i hAve FYP pozteR dAy...and will be eMcee for weN 妹'z ROM....all in < one weeK....

i hAve no time to recoveR...since Dr. Ooi told me it wilL tAke monthz to recoveR!!! oh gosH...........

God, someoNe, anyoNe....sAve me....

weN 妹 and huA 妹 suggezted mAybe uze conceAler...but if uze conceAler, huA 妹 sAid will hAve to uze foundAtion too....duH...luckily weN 妹 sAid she should be free tomorroW to shop with me for thAt...hoPe huA 妹 cAn join too!

whY iz a 24-yr-old guY hAving sucH bAd acNe all of a suddeN? i hAven't hAd thiZ since....19? or 20? complexioN wAz perfecT during my BMT traininG on tekonG....i mizZ thAt complexioN... should be the prolonGed 晚睡早起 and 晚睡晚起 cycleZ during my FYP...and the stresS? hmM....but froM the wAy i joke and one bliveZ i am stresSed....i'M also unsure if i aM...mAybe not. ;P

mAybe juZ....hormonAl chAngez? and weN 妹 evAluated thAt it should be PPMS = Permanent Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. wahahAaa....bcuZ i'lL never hAve mensuS!! ;P

nevermiNd, i leArn the misS swAn spirit = i tAke it liKe a a like a mAn!! ;P

tectoNic shiftZ...

P.S.: the fAcial tectonic shifT concepT originAted from my deArezt 师傅 Xie Yi.

old peopLe are not alwAyz right!!

both me and muM were rushing for time yezterdAy we wAlked quite brisklY from the bedoK bus interchAnge to the bedoK MRT stAtion...

theN we bypAzzed thiZ old couple...not reAlly feebly old...but juz old enough to consideR as old....and i accidentAlly brusHed my shoe agAinst her toes...i didn't eveN see that she waz so neAr loh...duH.

i quicklY sAid "sorrY" in a very polite and submissiVe tone, theN quicklY moved on with my muM...

theN i heArd thiz old b*tcH begAn her exaggerAting complAin sAying thingZ like "sorrY whAt'z the use..? you knocK into me...hAlf my life is gone.....and blAh..."

oh plZ! if hAlf of her life is gone from thAt light brusH onto her toes...theN why could she still stAnd there and complAin so loudly?!

so i turned bAck and sAid "sorrY lAh!" a second time but in a very p*zzed toNe....then her huzbAnd stArted to complAin as well...sayinG "nowadays young people...blah blAh..."...

whAt the sh*t?! mum quickly took my hAnd asked me to quicklY wAlk off...

i dezpize old people like thAt, they are so old....yet still unwize and nAive.

i dezpize theM, juZ like how i dezpiZe one of my old relAtivez, if you know me in persoN you will know who i'M referrinG to!

totAlly detestfuL dizgustinG insensible complAiny old people who thinK they are alwAyz right and worthy of anyone'Z sympathy and support just becAuze they are OLD.

i tell you all bAd old people out there, you are simplY dizgustinG! hahAaa...

i knoW i will becoMe old one dAy...but i will mAke sure i becoMe a good old mAn, who will not be reprimAnded viA some rAndom bloggeR......

wAtch out for my stomping KEEN Bronx....hahAaa....

Stressed | dessertS


receiVed a SMS froM viN severAl dAyz bAck...

and i fiNd it reAlly interestinG, cuZ it presenTed me an interestinG pAlindrome:

Stressed | dessertS

so, az the SMS relAyz....when you feeL stresSed, juZ look @ your situAtion from another perzpectiVe...and the "Stressed" becomeZ "dessertS".

interesting right?

lovinG pAlindromez...