sodAgreen = 苏打绿 = sudalV (hAn yu pin yiN)
finAlly...i boughT a 苏打绿 albuM~!!!!luncHed @ NIE todAy...there'z thiZ 5-dAy bazaAr around the NIE cAnteen; amongsT the retAilerz liez a muZic stAll...wheN me and my lAbberz wAlked pass it, a glimpZe of greeN cAught my eYe, yez, it wAz 苏打绿'z <<苏打绿>>!!
i sAw the albuM coveR online befoRe...and i recoG. thiz guY weAring greeN, in a greeN bAckground...side-fAcing turninG awAy from the fronT ---> yuP thAt'z qinG fenG!! (sodAgreen'z vocAlz)...
i herebY declAre i'M officiAlly infAtuated with 苏打绿!!'Z liKe i loVe their everyTING...
i knoW they alreAdy hAve 3 albumZ...and i'M only beginninG with theiR 1sT albuM...hahAaa...but heY!! neveR too lAte right? ^O^
i simplY loVe thiZ voice i heAr...the wAy he singZ remindZ me of my deArezt fAye....he'z liKe the mAle versioN of fAye wonG? gosH, am i still outsAne?
oh no...i hAve the urGe to go buY the otheR 2 prodigAl right? i muZ resisT the temptAtion and don't spend..!!'Z gonnA be tougH...
anywAyz....i feel nice and cAlm listeninG to their songZ...and theY compoZe their own songZ....whAt a tAlented bAnd!!
lovinG sudalV...
witH mAny more surpriZez and albumZ to coMe... ;P