Monday, February 11, 2008

loopinG the crescenT mooN~

my heAd feelZ heAvy and acheZ slightlY especiAlly wheN i cougH...i'M stilL recoverinG froM my fLu i suppoZe.

heNce, me trAveled to cAnteen 1 for the fisH porridGe....whicH i alwAyz diNe on wheN i'M not feelnG very welL...

on mY wAy bAck to the lAb, i pAssed by thiZ elongAted trApezium fountAin...beside LT2? it hAz synchroniZed streAmz of wAter dAncing and swAying amongsT the misT of lilliputiAn dropletZ...whicH are ofteN dizperZed by the breeZe to moisT your visAge if you stAnd neAr enougH...hahAaa...

i liKe to wAlk on the tileZ of the rAised bordeR skirtinG the fountAin..and sit on the woodeN gArden bencH beside the fountAin to enjoY the grAceful fountAiny performAnce...

i sAt on one of the bencHes initiAlly....but i reAlized the wispZ of curvY cloudZ floAting aboVe me in the i lAid on my bAck on the bencH...and begAn cloudinG...

birdZ fleW pAst....some are swAllowz...and soMe unidentified specieZ too...

me pointinG at the crescenT mooN witH the lyricZ of 小情歌 by sodAgreen...

i woRe thiZ weiRd buM equipmenT t-shirT todAy...whicH hAz 2 lonG "extensionZ"....and i twirLed one of theM to looP the crescenT mooN!! ;P

tooK thiZ while lyinG on the bencH...... ;P

i wAz repeAting the angellic voice of sodAgreen...a tAiwaneze music grouP i cAme acrozZ very recentlY...whicH i so adoRe now...hahAaa...i shAll dedicAte a whole bloG entrY to prAize theM.... ^o^

lovinG sodAgreen...


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