britneY iz bAck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i alwAyz find her songZ very cAtchy....froM "crAzy", to "sometimeZ"..."i'M a slAve for you", "toXic", "don'T let me be the lAst to knoW", "breAthe on me", "everytiMe"....ok so mAny!!!
howeveR, she gAve a ratheR shockinG comebAck performAnce recentlY @ the VMA awardZ 2007:
"gimMe more"...oH gosH...britneY, iz she oK? i thinK eitheR she did it shocK everyone, with the frizzY hAir, the beloW pAr dAncing...the bAd lip syncinG...the plumP bodY.......hmM, i think she wAntz to show her "before" and "afteR" quAlity....well, lookZ are impermAnent anywAy...and i reAd thAt her heelz were brokeN, and she droVe her hAirdresser out @ the lAst minute...
i thinK she still hAz some personAl issuez unresolVed.
so, i stronglY anticipAte her REAl returN!!!!
tAke a looK @ her pAr excelleNt liVe performAncez in the pAst....and her greAt bodY!!!!
"toXic", NRJ Awardz 2004
"i'M a slAve for you", NRJ Awardz 2001
here'Z to britneY...if she ever reAdz thiZ:
heY girL, i loVe you! you'Ve got plz plz plZ picK yourself up from the mezZ, forget the pAst, looK forwArd into the futuRe, and soAr up into the skY once agAin! i hAve fAith in you...we all do, but most importAntly, you muZ hAve fAith in yourself....alwAyz looK on the + side...go geT good dAnce and body sculpturinG instructoRz (i'M sure you hAve!!) and stAy determiNed to re-achieVe and mAintain your superlAtive bodY and dAnce movez!!! you go britneY...!! you are the one and onlY britneY speArz!!!!!!! here'Z to the mediA or anyoNe who mockZ her on youtube or whereeveR..:
heY ppL, STOP being odiouz all right? but thankZ ALOT for mAking britneY the toP on tAbloid and mediA exposure!!!! thAnkz but plz consider britneY'z stAte of mind...she'z humAn too oK? sigH.........
mAy britneY speArz be welL and hAppy...