Saturday, September 29, 2007

bYe nortoN, i'm hAppy with avAst noW!

woW...tiMe fliez @ presto speedZ wheNever i'M on the computeR!!

oK, juZ wannA wAve a virtuAl goodbYe to Norton here....:

i enjoYed your antivirAlity...buT you're too eX for me to i hAve to relinquisH your protectioN....sigH.

all thAnkz to dhZ...i hAve aegiz froM Avast!! see:

visiT to knoW more about thiZ FREE antiviruz softwAre....siNce it'z recommended bY dhZ, i hAve more thAn 100% confideNce in it....not bAd so fAr, cuZ it managed to detect 4 viruses in my computeR whicH nortoN mizZed....i wonder whY?!

thAnk you avAzt!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

tlK movie reviewZ!

okAi...i hAd a mini movIe marathoN lAst night witH creAmy....

so pAiseh...cuZ she rushed off froM Citibank and we zooMed froM tAmpinez to Marina Sq. to cAtch Arctic Tale....theN zooMed to Plaza sinG. to cAtch Savage Grace....and we manAged to squeeZe in the very nice Indonesian BBQ Ayam Panggang az dinneR @ the PS foodcourT....hahAaaa....

creAmy sAid she'z strezzed @ worK, theN even more strezzed rushinG around for movieZ after worK...hahAaa....

anywAyz, me hAppy to revieW them on tlK...:

Arctic Tale (Movie Review)

Savage Grace (R21 Movie Review)

stilL kindA trAnsfixed by the boldnezz in Savage Grace....

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

a puppY in the skY~

i wAz on 179 returninG hoMe froM cAmpuz...

the buZ stopped @ thiZ trAffic junctioN...i looKed arouNd az usuAl and sAw thiZ puppY in the skY!!!!!!! fetcHed my cAmera from my bAg and quicklY snApped it viA the througH-the-glAzz mode before the red lighT turned greeN...

tAken on 6 seP 2007, do you see the puppY in the skY?

hahAa...reAdy for cloudinG anytiMe!

cLoudy skY~~~

it'Z beeN a whiLe siNce i'Ve posted some cLoudz here...

tAken on 23 Aug 2007 from mY flAt'z corridoR....i trulY loVe how the cloudZ abscoNd the settinG suN durinG dusK....

tAken on 25 seP 2007...soMehow i thinK the focuz iz not on the cloudZ, but the corneR of the ceilinG of thiZ nice tempLe i wAz @...

arH...tried to tAke the cLoudz' reflectioN on the reAr windscreeN of thiZ cAr...tAken on 25 seP 2007.

neveR forgeT to looK uP and be mArveled by the cloudZ.....

pRoud membeR of the cLoud appreciAtion societY...


tooK thiZ afteR i lefT my siS'z plAce yezterdAy...

1stlY, hAppy mooncAke feztivAl OR lAntern feztivAl = rustic nAmez for the annuAl Chineze Mid-autumn Festival....

i remembeR i wouLd plAy with cAndlez and lAnternz when i wAz very very youNg...buT now thAt i'M growneR, kindA dropped thAt prActice...somemore, there will be no oNe to plAy with me anywAy. kindA pre-celebrAted the feztivAl with creAmy by visitinG thiZ annuAl lAntern exhibitioN @ Chineze gArden a coupLe of weekZ bAck...^O^


Monday, September 24, 2007


i aM very fAscinated @ the tAlentz arouNd the worLd...postinG their very funnY masterpieceZ on youtuBe...!!!!

the followinG "educAtional" vid. mAde me lAugh reAl hArd...hahaAaaahaaa...

it'Z crAzybunny = kumAgoro!!! listeN to whAt he hAz to sAy....

"'z me...kumAgoro...and..hmM, whAt can i sAy abt myself? hmM...i'M 3 yrz oLd..and..hmM...i hAve a boyfrieNd...hiZ nAme iz...hmM, joeY...yeA... ?? eMo ??.. ..."

it'Z bY thiZ guy....yourxuKe...akA dAvid.

stilL lAughing...oK, the number of the dAy iz 4!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

jAyne juZ got mArried..!!! ^o^

abT a weeK + ago...jAyne returNed to NTU to isSue uz lAbberz heR ROM invitAtion cArdz personAlly....i remembeR i meT her @ the 179 bertH, theN shoWed her the secreT shelteRed shortcuT to our lAb siNce it wAz drizzlinG....

anywAyz, me juZ returNed from her ROM @ thiZ fAirway cLub @ lAkeside...

thiZ iz my 1sT Indian weddinG evenT...welL, to be'Z juZ the prelude of her weddinG - the engAgement and ROM... very trAditional indeed...

anywAyz soMe photoZ to shAre:

so toucHed...jAyne knoWz i'M so into cloudZ...she speciAlly prinTed thiZ cLoud clipArt on my invitAtion cArd...thAnkz jAyne!!!!!!! i shAll sAfekeep it...also, eveN thougH i wore cLoud bAdge wAz on my sleeVe! ^o^

thiZ showz hoW to get to fAirway cluB....noT v. to scAle leH..hahAaa...

fronT of invitAtion cArd...

bAck of invitAtion cArd...

cloZe shot of the frAgrant thingZ az showN on the preV. phoTo....theze were encloZed witH the i cArefully cuT a tinY striP at the breAdth of the enveloPe whiLe i retrieved the invitAtion cArd... ^O^

so witH the aboVe...i wenT to the ROM in shirT and pAntz...and mY whiTe leAther metrosexuAl bAg...tooK photoZ durinG the evenT...buT unsure if jAyne allowz me to posT heRe...hmM, so i betteR not? anywAyz...all thAnkz to my budgeT cAmera (buT i still loVe you!)...hahAaa....i onlY got 4 nice shotZ of the evenT...out of liKe 12? anywAyz...besT shoT of the dAy:

the chocolAtey lAdybirdz tryinG to reAch the teA cAndlez amongsT the roZe petAlz on the orgAnza!!!!! Prof. Koh initiAted includinG the lAdybirdz...whAt a loVely ideA!!!!! i reAlly liKe thiZ shot whicH i tooK... ^O^

mAy Jayne and Naren enjoY their mArriage (to me, ROM = mArriage liAo) foreveR...and mAy their liveZ be winXed uP with loVe and all positiVitiez...^o^

loVe iz in the air...loVe iz everywheRe!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

oH mY britneY speArz...

britneY iz bAck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i alwAyz find her songZ very cAtchy....froM "crAzy", to "sometimeZ"..."i'M a slAve for you", "toXic", "don'T let me be the lAst to knoW", "breAthe on me", "everytiMe"....ok so mAny!!!

howeveR, she gAve a ratheR shockinG comebAck performAnce recentlY @ the VMA awardZ 2007:

"gimMe more"...

oH gosH...britneY, iz she oK? i thinK eitheR she did it shocK everyone, with the frizzY hAir, the beloW pAr dAncing...the bAd lip syncinG...the plumP bodY.......hmM, i think she wAntz to show her "before" and "afteR" quAlity....well, lookZ are impermAnent anywAy...and i reAd thAt her heelz were brokeN, and she droVe her hAirdresser out @ the lAst minute...

i thinK she still hAz some personAl issuez unresolVed.

so, i stronglY anticipAte her REAl returN!!!!

tAke a looK @ her pAr excelleNt liVe performAncez in the pAst....and her greAt bodY!!!!

"toXic", NRJ Awardz 2004

"i'M a slAve for you", NRJ Awardz 2001

here'Z to britneY...if she ever reAdz thiZ:

heY girL, i loVe you! you'Ve got plz plz plZ picK yourself up from the mezZ, forget the pAst, looK forwArd into the futuRe, and soAr up into the skY once agAin! i hAve fAith in you...we all do, but most importAntly, you muZ hAve fAith in yourself....alwAyz looK on the + side...go geT good dAnce and body sculpturinG instructoRz (i'M sure you hAve!!) and stAy determiNed to re-achieVe and mAintain your superlAtive bodY and dAnce movez!!! you go britneY...!! you are the one and onlY britneY speArz!!!!!!!

here'Z to the mediA or anyoNe who mockZ her on youtube or whereeveR..:

heY ppL, STOP being odiouz all right? but thankZ ALOT for mAking britneY the toP on tAbloid and mediA exposure!!!! thAnkz but plz consider britneY'z stAte of mind...she'z humAn too oK? sigH.........

mAy britneY speArz be welL and hAppy...

Saturday, September 15, 2007


wAz wAiting for the buZ to go to schooL a couple of dAyz bAck...and the ad boArd cAught my attentioN!!!!

a fAr view of the ad boArd @ the bus stoP.....

cAn you see cleArly? let'Z zooM into the ad itself...:

Here it sayz Monmilk....

Monmilk supposedly meAnz Mongolian Milk...thAt iz supposedly nAturaller and heAlthier, etc...

but somehoW i wAz puzzled when i glAnced @ the boArd initiAlly...cuZ i thought it reAd "Manmilk"...yez, MANmilk?! hahAa...thAt surely woKe my soporific morninG....heH!

Manmilk or Monmilk...i wondeR if anyone will trY?


a cookinG condoM?

wenT to cAnteen 1 to eAt the nice porridGe quite sometime bAck....

looKed around whiLe wAiting durinG the cookinG, and sAw thiZ sticker bY the Health Promotion Board on the stAll'z dizplAy cAze...:

Seriously,'z supposed to be a cooking oil bottle holdinG a cookinG equipment (whAt iz it cAlled?!)...promotinG people to uze heAlthier oiL.

howeveR...i feeL thAt it looKz like a condoM....and yeZ, sAying it uses heAlthier oiL.......hahAhahahhaa..... *suggestiVe*

i thinK they reAlly should chAnge the shApe of the cookinG oil bottLe or somethinG...duH!

stilL lAughing when i see it...

mY own youtuBe vidZ!!!

yAy! linKed up my google acct witH youtuBe and now i cAn posT my own vidZ!!!

heRe are 3 of theM...:

wAz @ the X'periment 2007 thingie representinG NTU SBS...and thiZ waz one of SPMS'z physicZ dizplAy!!! soMe superconductinG mAterial thAt becomez a mAgnet onlY when cold...thAt'z why it hAz to be dipped inside liquid nitrogeN to floAt through the mAgnetic field~

thiz iZ a cAterpillAr fouNd on my shouldeR whiLe me on MRT!!!! hahAa....i wAz on my wAY to meet Luqun @ Kallang to get bird pArk tix froM him, and theN tooK thiZ vid on the trAin itself....the cAterpillar wAz crAwling on my file. releAzed it into the grAzz pAtch once i reAched kallAng stAtion.

thiZ iz the vid me tooK @ Chineze Garden....on the Sri Lankan rotating lantern! wenT witH creAmy lAst sundAy...oughttA hAve an indiv posT on it sooN! ;)

all vidZ tAken with my w610i..! ^o^


1000 mileZ seeM to be very interesTed in postinG songZ recentlY.

here'Z another lovelY one cAlled "1000 mileZ" by vanessA cArlton!

"if i couLd fAll...into the you thinK tiMe would pAzz me bY?"

so who will i wAlk 1000 mileZ juZ to see? fAye or vitAz bah....hahAa....

anywAy, i forgot the titLe of the song whiLe searchinG on youtube...and I seArch for "miss you 1000 miles"! cuZ i remembeR got "i miss you, i need you" somethinG like thAt in the song...and i got bY thiZ vid (juZ beloW the actuAl vid):

it'z bY thiZ guY, who'z missinG hiZ guY friend who got deported to Mexico. i thinK the vid iz very well mAde! the scenez he choZe to mAtch the song, etc. and if you looK cArefully...they are reAlly into cosplay (costume role play) to drezZ az jApaneze anime characterZ! hahAaa... somehoW i feel some loVe between theM, but it'z uP to uz to imAgine...and i guezZ the wesT iz mucH more opeN thAn the easT. ;)

wAlking 1000 mileZ...

Thursday, September 13, 2007


bArenaked - jennifeR loVe hewitT

i fouNd thiZ sonG from my archiVe...and i reAlly like the bridGe sectioN:

it'Z all a stAte of mind
but i don'T miNd...
tryinG to fiNd a wAy...
to keeP my heAd aboVe the mezZ i mAde...
witH whAt the worLd creAtez...
sometimeZ it feelZ so good to let it all fAll..
aZ i'M gonnA fAll...
i mAde it fAll...
yeA i mAy fAll...
buT theN the worLd comeZ tumblinG down

feelinG bArenaked feeL expozed to all dAngerz in the knoW, when you get out of youR protectiVe are on youR own...and whiLe you're wAndering around out're proNe to all sortz of attAckz...

attAckz from the mediA (for stArz lAh..)..
froM friendZ..
froM insectZ...
froM colleAguez..
froM your bozZ...
froM anyone/ anythinG!

hmM, do you feeL bArenaked?

if you do, plZ put on soMe wArm clothinG.... ; )

thoughtZ of nuditY, in the philosophicAl seNse.

eternAl loVe..?

"soMe sAy loVe iz trAnsient...but i bliVe thiZ loVe iz for eternitY..."
quoTed froM someoNe i knoW.

iz loVe an ephemerAl feeling, or a uniquelY enigmAtic poweR thAt fuelz you for eternitY?

whAt'z true love? how do we differentiAte unexplAnable adulatioN with genuiNe feelingZ? iz infAtuation clAssfied az lovinG?

i do not knoW...and i bliVe no one knowZ.

az dAyz and yeArz passed..lovelY songZ flow their wAyz into my eArz...and here are three of theM.

a kizZ az lonG az eternitY - vitAz

albeiT in russiAn...the messAge iz cleAr on how an undyinG loVe persistz despiTe physicAl separatioN. so can loVe trAnscend all boundAriez, includinG physicAl contActz and solelY dependinG on onlY your mind? a thoughT precedez an actioN, iz hAving the thoughT enougH to mAintain loveship?

coMe whAt mAy - nicoLe kidmAn & ewAn mcGregor...

from mY fAve movie of all tiMe...Satine trulY loved untiL the end of her life...theY showed hoW loVe compelZ you to defY all oddz...

welL, i bliVe in eternAl loVe:

eternAl loVe - pJ & duncAn

witH loVe,