Saturday, September 15, 2007

a cookinG condoM?

wenT to cAnteen 1 to eAt the nice porridGe quite sometime bAck....

looKed around whiLe wAiting durinG the cookinG, and sAw thiZ sticker bY the Health Promotion Board on the stAll'z dizplAy cAze...:

Seriously,'z supposed to be a cooking oil bottle holdinG a cookinG equipment (whAt iz it cAlled?!)...promotinG people to uze heAlthier oiL.

howeveR...i feeL thAt it looKz like a condoM....and yeZ, sAying it uses heAlthier oiL.......hahAhahahhaa..... *suggestiVe*

i thinK they reAlly should chAnge the shApe of the cookinG oil bottLe or somethinG...duH!

stilL lAughing when i see it...


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