Saturday, September 15, 2007

mY own youtuBe vidZ!!!

yAy! linKed up my google acct witH youtuBe and now i cAn posT my own vidZ!!!

heRe are 3 of theM...:

wAz @ the X'periment 2007 thingie representinG NTU SBS...and thiZ waz one of SPMS'z physicZ dizplAy!!! soMe superconductinG mAterial thAt becomez a mAgnet onlY when cold...thAt'z why it hAz to be dipped inside liquid nitrogeN to floAt through the mAgnetic field~

thiz iZ a cAterpillAr fouNd on my shouldeR whiLe me on MRT!!!! hahAa....i wAz on my wAY to meet Luqun @ Kallang to get bird pArk tix froM him, and theN tooK thiZ vid on the trAin itself....the cAterpillar wAz crAwling on my file. releAzed it into the grAzz pAtch once i reAched kallAng stAtion.

thiZ iz the vid me tooK @ Chineze Garden....on the Sri Lankan rotating lantern! wenT witH creAmy lAst sundAy...oughttA hAve an indiv posT on it sooN! ;)

all vidZ tAken with my w610i..! ^o^



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