Wednesday, October 30, 2013

bringinG the worsT out of eAch otheR?

kY toLd me she heArd thiz sonG whiLe she waz drivinG into lAb thiz morninG...and she sAid to me: "it'z a sonG thAt remindz me of the two of you."

"plz don'T leAve me" by pinK.


Monday, October 21, 2013

i am pozitivelY in a whoLe new worLd~

finAlly arriVed @ phillY:

viziTed meimeI finAlly~!!! zomgosH...pArt of my exteNded bdAy celebrAtion~

the lAzt time i sAw meimeI waz wheN i senT her to phillY durinG her initiAl moVe a few monthzzZ wAz supeR difficulT to droP off my littLe sizteR in a brAnd new citY. buT, afteR knowinG hoW fAbulouz phillY iz oveR the pAzt weekend, i am so hAPpy thAt meimeI iz livinG hAppily~

bAsically, the pAzt weekeNd chAnged my a very pozitiVe wAy...and i am now in a whoLe new worLd~ ;^)

"pozitivelY somewheRe" bY meL c - my fAve drivinG-on-the-freewAy sonG~

"a whoLe neW worLd" by my alladiN~

on a mAgic cArpet ride into my new towN~

Saturday, October 05, 2013

monumentAl lessoN: fucK alL


yupZ, az bhoP a certAin azpecT of my life, i gottA not giVe a fucK for whAtever anyoNe thinkz and do whAt i wAnt to mAke myseLf hAppy. ;^)

i loVe to repeAtedly blAzt thiz sonG...and it mAkez me mizz meimeI, cuz i knoW thiz sonG onlY bcuZ of heR. ;^)

"i couLd be the one" by aviciI.

of courZe the sonG iz prettY extreMe...LOL~

fucK alL,


"soliTude" bY sodAgreen.

lizteN, simplY lizteN to the sAdnezz in qingfeng'Z voice.

splAshed all acrozz on my heArt...
splAshed all acrozz my...


wheN i'M all by myseLf...
the nighT seemz ezpeciAlly dArk.

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
my heArt unknowinglY breAkz alot more eAzily...

my coLd hAndz trembLe...
whiLe my wArm teArz trickLe dowN my cheekzzZ...

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
i wisH for thAt someoNe to appeAr.


wheN i'M all by myseLf...
it'z az if i felL into a deeP dArk trencH...

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
it'z az if i reAlized all the liez in thiz worLd...

tiMe refuzez to pAzz by fAzter...
the detAilz becoMe so mucH cleArer...

wheN i am all by myseLf...
i feAr thAt someoNe wilL appeAr...


dreggilY...i kepT awAy my loVe.
givinG myseLf a generouZ doze of unbearAble pAin...

drAgging myseLf on my journeY witH my woundzzZ...
i fleW acrozZ the kuwatA seA...

my soliTude.
iz whAt eventuAlly remAinz.


wheN i'M all by myseLf...
the nighT seemz ezpeciAlly dArk.

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
my heArt crumblezzZ alot more eAzily...

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
i simplY cAn't ezcApe from all my emotionzzZ...

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
i stilL hAve to foRce myseLf...
to leT go of you.


Friday, October 04, 2013

10/4 (pseudo 10/8) - monumentAl dAy~

i guezZ...somehoW, todAy evolVed into my pseudo-bdAy. hahAa~

glAd i hAd heArt to heArt tAlkz with botH bhoP and tizzY-chAn todAy~!!! "\(^.^)/"

monumentAl reflectionzzZ of me and tizzY-chAn~

and agAin...i wenT to the buN shoP to eNd the dAy~ ;^)

lovinG myseLf,