Saturday, October 05, 2013


"soliTude" bY sodAgreen.

lizteN, simplY lizteN to the sAdnezz in qingfeng'Z voice.

splAshed all acrozz on my heArt...
splAshed all acrozz my...


wheN i'M all by myseLf...
the nighT seemz ezpeciAlly dArk.

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
my heArt unknowinglY breAkz alot more eAzily...

my coLd hAndz trembLe...
whiLe my wArm teArz trickLe dowN my cheekzzZ...

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
i wisH for thAt someoNe to appeAr.


wheN i'M all by myseLf...
it'z az if i felL into a deeP dArk trencH...

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
it'z az if i reAlized all the liez in thiz worLd...

tiMe refuzez to pAzz by fAzter...
the detAilz becoMe so mucH cleArer...

wheN i am all by myseLf...
i feAr thAt someoNe wilL appeAr...


dreggilY...i kepT awAy my loVe.
givinG myseLf a generouZ doze of unbearAble pAin...

drAgging myseLf on my journeY witH my woundzzZ...
i fleW acrozZ the kuwatA seA...

my soliTude.
iz whAt eventuAlly remAinz.


wheN i'M all by myseLf...
the nighT seemz ezpeciAlly dArk.

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
my heArt crumblezzZ alot more eAzily...

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
i simplY cAn't ezcApe from all my emotionzzZ...

wheN i'M all by myseLf...
i stilL hAve to foRce myseLf...
to leT go of you.



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