hey-yA, illZ heRe. welcoMe to my zoNe - illZone - wheRe i alloW you to view my uniQue miNd. fAte bringz you to my zoNe, and i bliVe you will lingeR around in tiMe to come...
the 1sT tiMe i heArd thiz song...waz lAte one night in lAb when Joe was plAying hiz song selectionz on grooveshArk, and i decided to ask for the song titLe afteR i heArd the 1sT liNe:
bedoK jettY - tAken and blogGed by me for 7tH mAy 2007
it hAz beeN 4+ yrzzZ...
if i aM in singApore right now, i wouLd be sittinG on bedoK jettY. simplY lookinG out into the seA, listeninG to the wAvez, and enjoyinG the seA breeZe.
i loVe the seA.
prettY mucH liKe whAt Ace of Hearts in The Solitaire Mystery doeZ all the tiMe.
here in bAltimore...it'z a hArbor citY, but it'z differenT froM the seA?
differenT, yeT the sAme seA.
bcuZ the oceAnz are all connecTed az a huGe wAter bodY...
i wouLd sit @ bjettY @ dusK, and chAt witH the seA.
the seA repliez witH soundz of her wAvez and the twirlinG soundz of the seA breeZe...
righT now, the seA iz sobbinG.
az she criez...she'z drowNed and drencHed in her own teArz. no one knowZ bcuZ she'Z in her perfecT dizguiZe.
i aM juZ a human trApped in thiz matrixY world... giveN an identity and charActer whicH i reveAl in my bloG entrieZ.. (in another wordz, you gottA reAd them to know abouT me!)