seriouzly, the loiterinG persistenT tinglinG pAin @ my loweR bAck iz trulY irritAting.
verY torturouzlY diztrActing~!!!
it all leAdz me bAck to a service injurY froM SAF wheN i wAz in OCS ....whicH in summAry iz a permAnent spinAl frActure thAt wilL neveR heAl and an injurY thAt forbidz me froM any strenuouz exerciZe foreveR = me hAving weAk spiNe of a very very oLd mAn wheN i am a kindA younG mAn righT noW. >.<
guezZ i'M reAlly gettinG old...or perhApz i juZ cAnnot withstAnd consecutiVe loooooooonG flightZ and buz tripzzZ anymoRe...
i alreAdy didn'T initiAte any bAllroom dAncing prActize and also stopPed potteryinG for like 2 or 3 weekzzZ...consideRed thAt az restinG my bAck buT stilL - the pAin iz foreveR...but thAnkfully tolerAble - stilL. >.<
hmM, all righT...shAll trY to sit uP strAight and be more awAre of my poztuRe~